First Name: Jeffrey E.Last Name: MoorePublications: YearPublication 1998"Preroosting aggregations in the American crow, Corvus brachyrhyncos" in Canadian Journal of Zoology 2002"Distribution of spring staging black brant Branta bernicla nigricans in relation to feeding opportunities on south Humboldt Bay,California" in Theses and Projects 2004"Staging of Pacific flyway brant in relation to eelgrass abundance and site isolation, with special consideration of Humboldt Bay, California" in Biological Conservation 2005"Modeling Patch Occupancy by Forest Rodents: Incorporating Detectability and Spatial Autocorrelation with Hierarchically Structure Data" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 2006"Slave to the Tides: Spatiotemporal Foraging Dynamics of Spring Staging Black Brant" in The Condor 2006"The roles of landscape context, niche breadth, and range boundaries in predicting species responses to habitat alteration" in Diversity & Distributions 2006"Historical changes in black brant Branta bernicla nigricans use on Humboldt Bay, California" in Wildlife Biology 2007"Determinants of Seed Removal Distance by Scatter-Hoarding Rodents in Deciduous Forests" in Ecology 2007"Toward ecologically explicit null models of nestedness" in Oecologia 2007"Importance of fragmentation-tolerant species as seed dispersers in disturbed landscapes" in Oecologia 2007"Age-Specific Stopover Ecology of Black Brant at Humboldt Bay, California" in The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 2008"Rapid Assessment of Sea Turtle and Marine Mammal Bycatch in the Union of the Comoros" in Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 2008"A Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis of Cetacean Demography and Bycatch Mortality Using Age-at-Death Data" in Ecological Applications 2008"Quantifying seabird bycatch: where do we go from here?" in Animal Conservation 2008"Modeling Loggerhead Turtle Movement in the Mediterranean: Importance of Body Size and Oceanography" in Ecological Applications 2008"Why study bycatch? An introduction to the Theme Section on fisheries bycatch" in Endangered Species Research 2008"Factors affecting the relationship between seed removal and seed mortality" in Canadian Journal of Zoology 2009"Modeling patch occupancy: Relative performance of ecologically scaled landscape indices" in Landscape Ecology 2009"Fire Drives Transcontinental Variation in Tree Birch Defense against Browsing by Snowshoe Hares" in The American Naturalist 2009"A review of marine mammal, sea turtle and seabird bycatch in USA fisheries and the role of policy in shaping management" in Marine Policy 2010"An interview-based approach to assess marine mammal and sea turtle captures in artisanal fisheries" in Biological Conservation 2011"Bayesian state-space model of fin whale abundance trends from a 1991–2008 time series of line-transect surveys in the California Current" in Journal of Applied Ecology 2011"Cumulative estimates of sea turtle bycatch and mortality in USA fisheries between 1990 and 2007" in Biological Conservation 2011"Dynamic habitat models: using telemetry data to project fisheries bycatch" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2013Modeling of Habitat and Foraging Behavior of Beaked Whales in the Southern California Bight 2013"Can local ecological knowledge be used to assess status and extinction drivers in a threatened freshwater cetacean?" in Biological Conservation 2013"Evaluating sustainability of fisheries bycatch mortality for marine megafauna: a review of conservation reference points for data-limited populations" in Environmental Conservation 2013"Declining Abundance of Beaked Whales (Family Ziphiidae) in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem" in PLoS ONE 2013"Calculating reference points for anthropogenic mortality of marine turtles" in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2013"Management reference points to account for direct and indirect impacts of fishing on marine mammals" in Marine Mammal Science 2014"Improved abundance and trend estimates for sperm whales in the eastern North Pacific from Bayesian hierarchical modeling" in Endangered Species Research 2014"Global patterns of marine mammal, seabird, and sea turtle bycatch reveal taxa-specific and cumulative megafauna hotspots" in PNAS: Biological Sciences 2015"Bayesian inference and assessment for rare-event bycatch in marine fisheries: a drift gillnet fishery case study" in Ecological Applications 2015"Estimating Limit Reference Points for Western Pacific Leatherback Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the U.S. West Coast EEZ" in PLoS One 2015"Managing catch of marine megafauna: Guidelines for setting limit reference points" in Marine Policy 2016"Searching for trends in river dolphin abundance: Designing surveys for looming threats, and evidence for opposing trends of two species in the Colombian Amazon" in Biological Conservation 2016"Drivers of retention and discards of elasmobranch non-target catch" in Environmental Conservation 2016"Integrating population dynamics models and distance sampling data: a spatial hierarchical state-space approach" in Ecology 2016"Improved estimation of intrinsic growth r max for long-lived species: integrating matrix models and allometry" in Ecological Applications 2017"Last call: Passive acoustic monitoring shows continued rapid decline of critically endangered vaquita" in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2017"Animal Counting Toolkit: a practical guide to small-boat surveys for estimating abundance of coastal marine mammals" in Endangered Species Research 2017"Extinction is Imminent for Mexico's Endemic Porpoise Unless Fishery Bycatch is Eliminated" in Conservation Letters 2017"Passive acoustic monitoring of the decline of Mexico's critically endangered vaquita" in Conservation Biology 2018"Estimation of population size and trends for highly mobile species with dynamic spatial distributions" in Diversity & Distributions 2018"Review of potential line-transect methodologies for estimating abundance of dolphin stocks in the eastern tropical Pacific" in The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 2018"Surveys" in Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals 2018Updated Estimates of the Probability of Striking a Western North Pacific Gray Whale During the Proposed Makah Hunt 2019"Description of a new beaked whale echolocation pulse type in the California Current" in Marine Mammal Science 2019U.S. Pacific Marine Mamal Stock Assessments: 2018 2019Estimate of marine mammal, sea turtle, and seabird bycatch from the California large-mesh drift gillnet fishery, 1990-2017 2019"Decline towards extinction of Mexico's vaquita porpoise (Phocoena sinus)" in Royal Society Open Science 2020"Abundance and Trends of Indo-Pacific Finless Porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) in Hong Kong Waters, 1996–2019" in Frontiers in Marine Science 2020"Robustness of potential biological removal to monitoring, environmental, and management uncertainties" in ICES Journal of Marine Science 2020"A long-term decline in the abundance of endangered leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, at a foraging ground in the California Current Ecosystem" in Global Ecology and Conservation 2020"Evaluating management strategies for marine mammal populations: an example for multiple species and multiple fishing sectors in Iceland" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2020"Detection and classification of narrow-band high frequency echolocation clicks from drifting recorders" in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2020"Population survey showing hope for population recovery of the critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise" in Biological Conservation 2021"Can we manage marine mammal bycatch effectively in low-data environments?" in Journal of Applied Ecology 2021"A multidecadal Bayesian trend analysis of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) populations off California relative to past fishery bycatch" in Marine Mammal Science 2021"Abundance, survival, and annual rate of change of Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) on a Navy sonar range" in Marine Mammal Science 2021"Recommended snapshot length for acoustic point-transect surveys of intermittently available Cuvier's beaked whales" in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2021"Estimating the Abundance of Marine Mammal Populations" in Frontiers in Marine Science 2021"Best Practices for Assessing and Managing Bycatch of Marine Mammals" in Frontiers in Marine Science 2021"Estimating Bycatch Mortality for Marine Mammals: Concepts and Best Practices" in Frontiers in Marine Science 2022"Spatio-temporal diet variability of the California sea lion Zalophus californianus in the southern California Current Ecosystem" in Marine Ecology Progress Series 2022U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessments - 2021 2022"Acoustic-based estimates of Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) density and abundance along the U.S. West Coast from drifting hydrophone recorders" in Marine Mammal Science 2022"Dynamic Habitat Models Reflect Interannual Movement of Cetaceans Within the California Current Ecosystem" in Frontiers in Marine Science 2022"mmrefpoints: Projecting long-term marine mammal abundance with bycatch" in JOSS 2022"Editorial: Assessment Approaches to Support Bycatch Management for Marine Mammals" in Frontiers in Marine Science 2023"Multiscale relationships between humpback whales and forage species hotspots within a large marine ecosystem" in Ecological Applications 2023"Species distribution modeling of deep-diving cetaceans" in Marine Mammal Science 2023"A collaborative and near-comprehensive North Pacific humpback whale photo-ID dataset" in Scientific Reports 2024"Evidence for an Oceanic Population of Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in Offshore Waters of California and Oregon" in Aquatic Mammals