Johnson, Matthew D. |
2016 |
"Quantifying pest control services by birds and ants in Kenyan coffee farms" in Biological Conservation |
Ergas, Sarina J. |
2016 |
"Nitrogen Removal from Anaerobically Digested Swine Waste Centrate Using a Laboratory-Scale Chabazite-Sequencing Batch Reactor" in Environmental Engineering Science |
Railsback, Steven F. |
2016 |
"Modeling potential river management conflicts between frogs and salmonids" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
Hemphill-Haley, Eileen |
2016 |
"Unusually large tsunamis frequent a currently creeping part of the Aleutian megathrust" in Geophysical Research Letters |
Chaudhary, Ali Razzak |
2016 |
"Pakistani Immigrant Organisational Spaces in Toronto and New York City" in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2016 |
"Life History Diversity in Klamath River Steelhead" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Sutliff, Donna J. |
2016 |
"Lexical numbers and numeracy: A comment on Overmann 2015" in Current Anthropology |
Kelsey, Harvey M. |
2016 |
"Differential uplift and incision of the Yakima River terraces, central Washington State" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth |
Whitworth, Darrell L. |
2016 |
"Occurrence, morphometrics and plumage variability among Leach’s Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the California Channel Islands, 1976–2015" in Marine Ornithology |
Railsback, Steven F. |
2016 |
"InSTREAM-Gen: Modelling eco-evolutionary dynamics of trout populations under anthropogenic environmental change" in Ecological Modelling |
Martin, Jared K. |
2016 |
"Attitudes toward mental health services among homeless and matched housed youth" in Child and Youth Services |
Blundell, Melissa A. |
2016 |
"Successfully mating male sage-grouse show greater laterality in courtship and aggressive interactions" in Animal Behaviour |
Meyer, John Mark |
2016 |
"Review of Consensus and Global Environmental Governance: Deliberative Democracy in Nature’s Regime" in Perspectives on Politics |
Crotteau, Justin S. |
2016 |
"Historical spatial patterns and contemporary tree mortality in dry mixed-conifer forests" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Montgomery, Timothy D. |
2016 |
"Modeling work plan logistics for centralized biomass recovery operations in mountainous terrain" in Biomass and Bioenergy |
Duffy, Walter G. |
2016 |
"Life History Diversity in Klamath River Steelhead" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Stumpf, Tyler S. |
2016 |
"Institutional conformance and tourism performance: an efficiency analysis in developing Pacific Island countries" in Tourism Planning & Development |
Shen, Tori |
2016 |
"Go big or go home: A thematic content analysis of pro-muscularity websites" in Body Image |
Golightly, Richard T. |
2016 |
"State of the California current 2015-16: Comparisons with the 1997-98 El Nino" in CalCOFI Report |
Ames, Gregory |
2016 |
"The more things change, the more they stay the same? When is trait variability important for stability of ecosystem function in a changing environment" in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
Ashton, Donald T. |
2016 |
"Citizen Scientists Monitor a Deadly Fungus Threatening Amphibian Communities in Northern Coastal California, USA" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Milligan, Megan C. |
2016 |
"Quantifying pest control services by birds and ants in Kenyan coffee farms" in Biological Conservation |
Perry, Charles Hobart |
2016 |
"Forests of Wisconsin, 2015" in USFS Resource Update |
Glenn, Mary E. |
2016 |
"Sexual selection on male vocal fundamental frequency in humans and other anthropoids" in Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological sciences |
Carver, Gary A. |
2016 |
"Unusually large tsunamis frequent a currently creeping part of the Aleutian megathrust" in Geophysical Research Letters |