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Displaying 76 - 100 of 1088
Authorsort ascending Year Publications
Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2015

"Mobile Learning and Engagement: Designing Effective Mobile Lessons" in Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning

Villarreal, Brandilynn J. 2015

"High-school seniors' college enrollment goals: Costs and benefits of ambitious expectations" in Journal of Adolescence

Vicente, Aleika J. 2015

"Phylogeography of Mazzaella species across the Cape Blanco to Cape Mendocino transition zone" in Theses and Projects

Vermeer, Jessica 2015

"Vertical Crustal Stability in 23 Years Since the 1992 Cape Mendocino M 7.1 Earthquake: Benchmark Survey Results, Interpretations and Tectonic Implications" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vermeer, Jessica 2015

"Analysis of Holocene Marine Terraces, Cape Mendocino to Mattole River, Northern California: Interpretations and Implications to Mendocino Triple Junction Tectonics" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vergara, Sintana E. 2015

"Attributional and Consequential Life-cycle Assessment in Biofuels: a Review of Recent Literature in the Context of System Boundaries" in Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports

Vellanoweth, René L. 2015

"12,000 Years of Human Predation on Black Turban Snails (Chlorostoma funebralis) on Alta California's Northern Channel Islands" in California Archaeology

Vellanoweth, René L. 2015

"Residue analysis links sandstone abraders to shell fishhook production on San Nicolas Island, California" in Journal of Archaeological Science

Vazquez, Edwin J. 2015

"Three Decades Later: The Life Experiences and Mid-Life Functioning of 1980s Heavy Metal Groupies, Musicians, and Fans" in Self and Identity

Vasquez, Edwin J. 2015

"Three Decades Later: The Life Experiences and Mid-Life Functioning of 1980s Heavy Metal Groupies, Musicians, and Fans" in Self and Identity

Varner, J. Morgan 2015

"Clarifying the role of fire in the deciduous forests of eastern North America: reply to Matlack" in Conservation Biology

Varner, J. Morgan 2015

"Contrasting sapling bark allocation of five southeastern USA hardwood tree species in a fire prone ecosystem" in Ecosphere

Varner, J. Morgan 2015

"Flammability of litter from southeastern trees: a preliminary assessment" in Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference

Varner, J. Morgan 2015

"The Flammability of Forest and Woodland Litter: a Synthesis" in Current Forestry Reports

Varner, J. Morgan 2016

"Long-term stand dynamics of old-growth mountain longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) woodlands" in Forest Ecology and Management

Varner, J. Morgan 2016

"Finding balance between fire hazard reduction and erosion control in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California–Nevada" in Forest Ecology and Management

Van Pelt, Robert 2015

"Biomass and growth potential of Eucalyptus regnans up to 100 m tall" in Forest Ecology and Management

Van Pelt, Robert 2015

"How do tree structure and old age affect growth potential of California redwoods?" in Ecological Monographs

Van Kirk, Robert W. 2015

"A simple framework for assessing the sensitivity of mountain watersheds to warming-driven snowpack loss" in Geophysical Research Letters

Van Kirk, Robert W. 2015

"Quantifying habitat loss: Assessing tree encroachment into a serpentine savanna using dendroecology and remote sensing" in Forest Ecology and Management

Van Kirk, Robert W. 2015

"Sensitivity of summer stream temperatures to climate variability and riparian reforestation strategies" in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies

Van Kirk, Robert W. 2015

"LiDAR illuminates the influence of elevation, aspect, and vegetation on seasonal snowpack: case studies from four western Critical Zone Observatories" in AGU Fall Meeting

Valeski, Kristin N. 2015

"Reducing barriers and stigma surrounding mental health and alcohol and other drug services in native communities" in Theses and Projects

Uyeki, Amy 2015

The extraordinary voyage of Kamome : a tsunami boat comes home

Ulmer, Gordon L. 2015

"Gold Mining and Unequal Exchange in Western Amazonia" in disClosure: a journal of social theory