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Displaying 951 - 975 of 980
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Ergas, Sarina J. 2015

"Performance and Longevity of Denitrifying Wood-Chip Biofilters for Stormwater Treatment: A Microcosm Study" in Environmental Engineering Science

Vellanoweth, René L. 2015

"Residue analysis links sandstone abraders to shell fishhook production on San Nicolas Island, California" in Journal of Archaeological Science

Siering, Patricia L. 2015

"Isolation and Characterization of Novel Iron-oxidizing Autotrophic and Mixotrophic Bacteria from Boiling Springs Lake, an Oligotrophic, Acidic Geothermal Habitat" in Geomicrobiology Journal

Hahn, Amanda C. 2015

"Reported maternal tendencies predict the reward value of infant facial cuteness, but not cuteness detection" in Biology Letters

Carter, Harry R. 2016

"Decline of the Pelagic Cormorant in Western Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, 1975–2014" in Northwestern Naturalist

Mah, Christopher L. 2016

"A new species of Brisingenes from the Hawaii undersea military munitions assessment area with an overview of Hawaiian brisingid in situ video observations and functional morphology of subambulacral spines (Forcipulatacea; Asteroidea)" in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography

Smith, Michael D. 2016

Food security among Hispanic adults in the United States, 2011-2014

Golightly, Richard T. 2016

"Restoration and Monitoring of Common Murre Colonies in Central California: Annual Report 2014" in Luckenbach Trustee Council Report

Henkel, Terry W. 2016

Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana: 1992-2014

Radzin, Bryan 2017

From The Mind Of Critic: 2014-2015

Crawford, Gregory B. 2017

"Spectral Analysis of Water Level and Velocity Data from Crescent City Harbor During the April 1, 2014 Chilean Tsunami" in Pure and Applied Geophysics

Perry, Charles Hobart 2017

"Wisconsin Forests 2014" in USFS Resource Bulletin

Richmond, Laurie 2017

Socioeconomics of North Coast Fisheries in the Context of Marine Protected Area Formation

Sevier, Emma 2017

"Black Carbon, Dust and Organic Matter at South Cascade Glacier in Washington State, USA: A Comprehensive Characterization of Temporal (1865-2014) and Spatial Variability" in AGU Fall Meeting

Edinger-Marshall, Susan B. 2017

"Trends in gender diversity American soil science classes: 2004-2005 to 2013-2014 academic years (EGU2017-7024)" in EGU General Assembly Conference

Edinger-Marshall, Susan B. 2017

"The academic majors of students taking American soil science classes: 2004-2005 to 2013-2014 academic years (EGU2017-4122)" in EGU General Assembly Conference Proceedings

Admire, Amanda Rose 2017

"Spectral Analysis of Water Level and Velocity Data from Crescent City Harbor During the April 1, 2014 Chilean Tsunami" in Pure and Applied Geophysics

Edinger-Marshall, Susan B. 2017

"Enrollment trends in American soil science classes: 2004-2005 to 2013-2014 academic years (EGU2017-4125)" in EGU General Assembly Conference Proceedings

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2017

"The origins of the anomalous warming in the California coastal ocean and San Francisco Bay during 2014–2016" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2017

"Oceanographic Context for Characterization and Future Evaluation, California North Coast MPA Baseline Study, 2014 to 2016" in Technical Report to California Sea Grant 

Henkel, Terry W. 2019

"Implications of a long‐term mast seeding cycle for climatic entrainment, seedling establishment and persistent monodominance in a Neotropical, ectomycorrhizal canopy tree" in Ecological Research

Golightly, Richard T. 2020

"Extreme mortality and reproductive failure of common murres resulting from the northeast Pacific marine heatwave of 2014-2016" in PLOS ONE

Edinger-Marshall, Susan B. 2020

 “Undergraduate Degrees That Train Students For Soil Science Careers At Universities In The USA and Its Territories” in Soil Science Society of America Journal

Diémé, Joseph 2021

Dans la peau d'un immigré

Fisher, Jason C. 2021

"Multilevel groundwater monitoring of hydraulic head, water temperature, and chemical constituents in the eastern Snake River Plain aquifer, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, 2014-18" in USGS Scientific Investigations Reports