Year | Publication |
1967 | "Commitment to self-appraisal and interpersonal evaluations." in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
1970 | "The Critical Psychology of R. D. Laing" in Telos |
1970 | "Mental Illness in the People’s Republic of China" in Voices: Journal of American Academy of Psychotherapists |
1980 | "A Review of the Literature on Schizophrenia and Genetics" in Acta Psychologica Sinica |
1982 | "Do Studies on Identical Twins Prove that Schizophrenia is Genetically Inherited?" in International Journal of Social Psychiatry |
1983 | "The American Sexual Revolution" in Family |
1983 | "Self and Society" in New Search |
1983 | "On Developing Sociology" in Society |
1984 | "The Family and Personal Relations" in International Sociology |
1984 | "The History and Current Situation of American Social Psychology" in Chinese Social Science |
1985 | "The Chinese psychology society convention, 1984" in New Ideas in Psychology |
1987 | "Subjective Errors in Objective Methodology" in Contemporary Social Psychology |
1988 | "Psychology’s Relation to Biology: Qualitatively Distinct Levels" in Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology |
1989 | "A Social Constructionist Critique of The Naturalistic Theory of Emotion" in The Journal of Mind and Behavior |
1989 | "A Sociohistorical Critique of Naturalistic Theories of Color Perception" in The Journal of Mind and Behavior |
1990 | "Ecologically Relevant Stimuli and Color Memory" in The Journal of General Psychology |
1990 | "Sociohistorical psychology and human nature" in Capitalism Nature Socialism |
1991 | "Cultural Variation in Cognitive Processes From a Sociohistorical Psychological Perspective" in The Journal of Mind and Behavior |
1991 | |
1992 | "Review of J. Hamill, Ethnologic: The Anthropology of Human Reasoning" in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology |
1992 | "Concretizing the Concept of Social Stress" in Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness |
1993 | "Reviewed Work: Human Motives and Cultural Models by Roy D'Andrade, Claudia Strauss" in The Journal of Mind and Behavior |
1993 | "Review of René van der Veer and Jaan Valsiner: Understanding Vygotsky: A Quest for Synthesis" in Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences |
1993 | "Contributions of Sociohistorical Psychology and Phenomenology to Research Methodology" in Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology |
1993 | "A sociohistorical approach to contextualism" in Varieties of Contextualism |
1994 | "The Unconscious: A Perspective from Sociohistorical Psychology" in The Journal of Mind and Behavior |
1996 | "Solidifying Qualitative Methodology" in Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness |
1996 | "Activity as A Key Concept for Cultural Psychology" in Culture & Psychology |
1997 | |
1997 | "Vygotsky, The Einstein of Psychology" in Psicologia Y Ciencia Social |
1997 | "In Defense of Activity Theory" in Culture and Psychology |
1998 | "Prologue" in Vygotsky’s Collected Works |
1998 | "The Historical and Contemporary Significance of Vygotsky’s Sociohistorical Psychology" in Psychology: Theoretical-Historical Perspectives |
1999 | "Three approaches to cultural psychology" in Cultural Dynamics |
2000 | "A Cultural-Psychological Analysis of Emotions" in Culture & Psychology |
2000 | "Introduction (Vol. 1, No. 2)" in Forum: Qualitative Social Research |
2000 | "Introduction" in Journal of Russian and East European Psychology |
2000 | "Outline of A Coherent, Comprehensive Concept of Culture" in Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin |
2001 | "Agency and Culture" in Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour |
2001 | "Introduction (Vol. 2 No. 3)" in Forum: Qualitative Social Research |
2001 | "Analyzing Cultural-Psychological Themes in Narrative Statement" in Forum: Qualitative Social Research |
2001 | "Activity Theory and Cultural Psychology" in The Psychology of Cultural Experience |
2002 | "Subjectivity and Objectivity in Qualitative Methodology" in Forum: Qualitative Social Research |
2002 | "Review of Our Lives as Database: Doing A Sociology of Ourselves (Czech Social Transitions in Autobiographical Dialogues) by Zdenek Konopásek" in Forum: Qualitative Social Research |
2002 | |
2003 | "Theoretical and Methodological Problems in Cross–Cultural Psychology" in Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour |
2003 | "Reply to Wolff-Michael Roth's Review Essay Culture and Identity" in Forum: Qualitative Social Research |
2004 | "Genes and psychology in the news" in New Ideas in Psychology |
2004 | "A Cultural Critique of Psychological Explanations of Terrorism" in Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin |
2004 | "Vygotsky’s Conception of Psychological Development" in The Essential Vygotsky |
2005 | |
2006 | "Epistemological, Social, and Political Conundrums in Social Constructionism" in Forum: Qualitative Social Research |
2006 | "Contextualism versus Positivism in Cross-Cultural Psychology" in Perspectives and Progress in Contemporary Cross-Cultural Psychology |
2006 | |
2007 | Chapter 6 "A Macro Cultural-Psychological Theory of Emotions" in Emotion in Education |
2007 | "The Co-operative Manifesto: Social Philosophy, Economics and Psychology for Co-operative Behaviour" in Journal of Co-operative Studies |
2008 | |
2008 | "Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Methodology: Scientific and Political Considerations" in Culture & Psychology |
2008 | "Reductionism" in Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods |
2008 | "Objectivism" in Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods |
2008 | "Methodological Individualism and Holism" in Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods |
2008 | "Subjectivism" in Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods |
2009 | "Cooperativism: A Social, Economic, and Political Alternative to Capitalism" in Capitalism Nature Socialism |
2009 | "The Cultural Psychology of Oppression and Liberation" in Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness |
2009 | "Harre's Social Philosophy and Political Philosophy: A Social Scientific Critique" in Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour |
2009 | "American and Italian Coops: Present Situation and Future" in Il Futuro Oltre la Crisi |
2010 | "Historia, conceptos fundacionales y perspectivas contemporáneas en psicología cultural" in Revista de Historia de la Psicología |
2011 | "A Macro Cultural Psychological Theory of Identity" in Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness |
2011 | "A Cultural Psychological Theory of Mental Illness, Supported by Research in Saudi Arabia" in Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness |
2011 | |
2011 | Chapter 5 "Macro cultural psychology, the psychology of oppression, and cultural-psychological enrichment" in Vygotsky in 21st Century: Advances in Cultural Historical Theory and Praxis with Non-Dominant Communities |
2011 | "Cultural Psychology and Cross-Cultural Psychology: The Case of Chinese Psychology" in Online Readings in Psychology and Culture |
2012 | Chapter 10 "Macro-Cultural Psychology" in The Oxford Handbook of Culture and Psychology |
2012 | "Review of P. Liamputtong, Performing Qualitative Cross-Cultural Research, and D. Matsumoto and F. Van de Vijver (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Research Methods" in Qualitative Research in Psychology |
2012 | Chapter 8 "The fruitless search for genes in psychiatry and psychology: Time to re-examine a paradigm" in Genetic Explanations: Sense and Nonsense |
2012 | Chapter 28 "Cultural Psychology" in Encyclopedia of the History of Psychological Theories |
2012 | "The macro cultural character of national identity" in Dimensiones de la Identidad Nacional |
2013 | Chapter 6 "Macro Cultural Psychology: Its Development, Concerns, Politics, and Direction" in Advances in Culture and Psychology |
2013 | |
2014 | "Pathological Normalcy: A Construct for Comprehending and Overcoming Psychological Aspects of Alienation" in The Humanist Psychologist |
2014 | "Psicología histórico-cultural y cambio cultural-psicológico" in Teoría y Crítica de la Psicología |
2014 | "The Psychology of Oppression" in The Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology |
2014 | "Capitalism" in The Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology |
2014 | "False Consciousness" in Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology |
2014 | "Emancipation" in Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology |
2014 | "Macro Cultural Psychology" in Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology |
2014 | "Theoretical Psychology" in Journal of the Shanghai Social Science Association |
2014 | "Psychological Competencies According to Macro Cultural Psychology" in Journal of the Shanghai Social Science Association |
2014 | |
2015 | "Cooperatives" in The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism |
2015 | "Recuperación y promoción de las ideas de Martín-Baró sobre psicología, cultura y transformación social" in Teoría y Crítica de la Psicología |
2015 | |
2015 | "Rethinking the Politics of the Mainstream Co-op Movement" in Social Economy in China and the World |
2015 | "Political Neutrality and The Cooperative Movement" in Center for Popular Economics |
2015 | "Classic and Revisionist Sociocultural Theory and Their Analyses of Expressive Language: An Empirical Assessment" in Language and Sociocultural Theory |
2015 | "Cooperative Economics in Brazil: The Unisol Cooperative Network" in Grassroots Economic Organizing |
2016 | "Surdez e Diagnóstico: narrativas de surdos adultos" in Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa |
2016 | "Culture-Centric Vs. Person-Centered Cultural Psychology and Political Philosophy" in Language and Sociocultural Theory |
2016 | |
2017 | |
2017 | |
2017 | |
2017 | "Introduction: Recovering and Advancing Vygotsky’s Marxist Psychology" in Vygotsky and Marx: Toward a Marxist Psychology |
2017 | Chapter 1 "Marxist Psychology, Vygotsky’s Cultural Psychology, and Psychoanalysis: The Double Helix of Science and Politics" in Vygotsky and Marx: Toward a Marxist Psychology |
2018 | "The Flawed Political-Psychology of Populist Social Movements" in The Journal of Psychohistory |
2018 | Chapter 35 "Trends Within Sociocultural Theory and the Utility of “Cultural Capital” for SCT" in The Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development |
2018 | |
2018 | Chapter 23 "The Genesis of Macro Cultural Psychology’s Culture Theory from Traditional Cultural Psychology" in The Challenges of Cultural Psychology: Historical Legacies and Future Responsibilities |
2018 | Chapter 24 "The Genesis of Macro Cultural Psychology’s Political Orientation from other Approaches to Cultural Psychology" in The Challenges of Cultural Psychology: Historical Legacies and Future Responsibilities |
2019 | |
2019 | |
2020 | "The politics of realism and social constructionism in psychology" in Psychotherapy and Politics International |
2021 | "Políticas del realismo y del socio-construccionismo en psicología" in Teoría y Crítica de la Psicología |
2023 | "O legado conceitual da Teoria Histórico-Cultural no pensamento de Carl Ratner: entrevista ao laboratório de Psicologia Histórico-Cultural da Universidade Estadual de Maringá" in Germinal: Marxismo e Educação em Debate |