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Displaying 276 - 300 of 25612
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Carroll, Joseph E. 1974

Prototype Development and Testing Automated Astronomic Positioning System

Hanson, Mervin P. 1974

"Irreversible thermodynamics of ideal dissipative systems" in Journal of Chemical Physics

Carver, Raymond 1974

Put Yourself in My Shoes

Flashman, Martin E. 1974

"The Homology of the Loop-Space of Certain Pushouts" in Theses and Projects

Lackey, Robert T. 1974

Introductory Fisheries Science

Hendrickson, Gary L. 1974

"Cercaria laramiensis sp. n., a Freshwater Zygocercous Cercaria from Physa gyrina Say, with a Discussion of Cercarial Aggregation" in The Journal of Parasitology

Kilbourne, William E. 1974

"A Factorial Experiment on the Impact of Unit Pricing on Low-Income Consumers" in Journal of Marketing Research

Lackey, Robert T. 1974

"Priority Research in Fisheries Management" in Wildlife Society Bulletin

Balabanis, Homer P. 1974

The First Witness

Crosbie, Paul V. 1974

"Relevance in the small groups laboratory" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Cummins, Kenneth W. 1974

"Structure and Function of Stream Ecosystems" in BioScience

Handwerker, W. Penn 1974

"Changing Household Organization in the Origins of Market Places in Liberia" in Economic Development and Cultural Change

Zammit, Ronald E. 1974

"Laser Doppler velocimeter measurements in high speed flows" in Defense Technical Information Center Final Report

Thornburgh, Dale A. 1974

Subalpine and Montane Forests on Granodiorite in the Central Klamath Mountains in California (Unpublished Report)

Shaffer, Jack 1974

"Reinforcement in lifelong socialization and learning" in International Review of Education

McClary, Maclyn H. 1974

"On moving to large from small class in 'J-Introduction'" in Journalism Educator

Erwin, Joseph M. 1974

"Follow-up study of isolation-reared and mother-reared rhesus monkeys paired with preadolescent conspecifics in late infancy: Cross-sex pairings" in Developmental Psychology

Paselk, Richard A. 1974

"Fluorine nuclear magnetic resonance studies of trifluoroacetyl-insulin derivatives. Effect of pH on conformation and aggregation" in Biochemistry

Samuelson, Lalramchuani Sena 1974

"The Mizo independence movement" in Theses and Projects

Carroll, Joseph E. 1974

"On the 2-primary part of K(,2)0 and on Z9,2)-extensions for imaginary quadratic fields" in Theses and Projects

Daniel, William R. 1974

"Attitudes toward community need in an unincorporated area" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Mesler, Michael R. 1974

"The Natural History of Ophioglossum palmatum in South Florida" in American Fern Journal

Devall, Bill 1974

"Redwood National Park: the clearcutting of a dream" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Bowker, Lee H. 1974

"Student Drug Use and the Perceived Peer Drug Environment" in International Journal of the Addictions

Largent, David L. 1974

"New or Interesting Species of Claudopus and Entoloma from the Pacific Coast" in Madroño