First Name: W. PennLast Name: HandwerkerPublications: YearPublication 1973"Review of People and Land in Africa South of the Sahara: Readings in Social Geography" in American Anthropologist 1973"Technology and Household Configuration in Urban Africa: The Bassa of Monrovia" in American Sociological Review 1973"Kinship, Friendship, and Business Failure among Market Sellers in Monrovia, Liberia, 1970" in Africa: Journal of the International African Institute 1974"Changing Household Organization in the Origins of Market Places in Liberia" in Economic Development and Cultural Change 1976"Review of Ethnology: African Traders and Economic Development in Ghana" in American Anthropologist 1977"Family, Fertility, and Economics [and Comments and Reply]" in Current Anthropology 1978"Population, Production, and Culture in the Plains Societies of Northern Cameroon and Chad: The Anthropologist in Development Projects [and Comments]" in Current Anthropology 1979"Daily Markets and Urban Economic Development" in Human Organization 1979"Our Obsolete Production Mentality: The Heresy of the Communal Formation [and Comments and Reply]" in Current Anthropology 1980"Market Places, Travelling Traders, and Shops: Commercial Structural Variation in the Liberian Interior Prior to 1940" in African Economic History 1981"African marketing institutions and rural development policy (Liberia)" in African Urban Studies 1981"Productivity, Marketing Efficiency, and Price-Support Programs: Alternative Paths to Rural Development in Liberia" in Human Organization 1982"Sex and Dominance" in American Anthropologist 1982"Reviewed Work: The Limits to Structural Change: A Comparative Study of Direct Investments in Liberia and Ghana, 1950-1971 by Jerker Carlsson" in African Economic History 1983"The First Demographic Transition: An Analysis of Subsistence Choices and Reproductive Consequences" in American Anthropologist 1983"On Methodology and Strawmen: Reply to Turke and Betzig" in American Anthropologist 1985"Scope of Perspective in Fertility Models" in American Anthropologist 1985"Applied Anthropology: Determinants of Fertility in Developing Countries, Volume 1: Supply and Demand for Children" in American Anthropologist 1986"The Modern Demographic Transition: An Analysis of Subsistence Choices and Reproductive Consequences" in American Anthropologist 1987"Research in Population and Culture: An Evolutionary Framework [and Comments and Reply]" in Current Anthropology 1987"Review of The Fertility Revolution: A Supply-Demand Analysis" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 1988"Sampling Variability in Microdemographic Estimation of Fertility Parameters" in Human Biology 1989"The Origins and Evolution of Culture" in American Anthropologist 1990"Politics and reproduction: A window on social change" in Births and Power: Social Change and the Politics of Reproduction 1990Births and Power: Social Change and the Politics of Reproduction 1990"Review of General/Theoretical Anthropology: Population and Resources in Western Intellectual Traditions" in American Anthropologist 1991"Women's power and fertility transition: The cases of Africa and the West Indies" in Population and Environment 1992"West Indian gender relations, family planning programs and fertility decline" in Social Science & Medicine 1993"Empowerment and Fertility Transition on Antigua, WI: Education, Employment, and the Moral Economy of Childbearing" in Human Organization 1996"Flights from Reason?" in Science 1997"Health and Social Change in International Perspective" in Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1997"Sampling Strategies for the Collection of Cultural Data: An Extension of Boas's Answer to Galton's Problem" in Current Anthropology 1997"Universal Human Rights and the Problem of Unbounded Cultural Meanings" in American Anthropologist 1998"Why Violence? A Test of Hypotheses Representing Three Discourses on the Roots of Domestic Violence" in Human Organization 1999"Comment on Duranleau" in Field Methods 2001"Child abuse and the balance of power in parental relationships: An evolved domain-independent mental mechanism that accounts for behavioral variation" in American Journal of Human Biology 2001"Sociocultural Influences on Disability Status in Puerto Rican Children" in Physical Therapy 2001"Ethnic Category Labels, Parental Beliefs, and the Contextualized Individual: An Exploration of the Individualism - Sociocentrism Debate" in Parenting 2001"Barbados" in Countries and Their Cultures 2001Quick Ethnography 2002"Does Marking Tone Make Tone Languages Easier to Read?" in Human Organization 2002"Puerto Rican understandings of child disability: methods for the cultural validation of standardized measures of child health" in Social Science & Medicine 2002"The Construct Validity of Cultures: Cultural Diversity, Culture Theory, and a Method for Ethnography" in American Anthropologist 2003"Traumatic Stress, Ecological Contingency, and Sexual Behavior: Antecedents and Effects of Sexual Precociousness. Sexual Mobility, and Adolescent Childbearing in Antigua" in Ethos 2004"Cultural influences on health care use: Differences in perceived unmet needs and expectations of providers by Latino and Euro-American parents of children with special health care needs" in Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 2005"Correspondence" in Anthropology News 2006"The Evolution of Ethnographic Research Methods: Curiosities and Contradictions in the Qualitative Research Literature" in Reviews in Anthropology 2008"Women's participation in a cervical cancer screening program in northern Peru" in Health Education Research 2009The Origin of Cultures: How Individual Choices Make Cultures Change 2010"Where bad teeth come from: Culture and causal force" in Human Organization 2011"Psalms and Coping with Uncertainty: Religious Israeli Women's Responses to the 2006 Lebanon War" in American Anthropologist 2011"How to Collect Data That Warrant Analysis" in A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology 2013"Caregiver Practices of Families of Children with and Without Physical Disability" in Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 2016Our Story: How Cultures Shaped People to Get Things Done