First Name: Michael R.Last Name: MeslerPublications: YearPublication 1973"Sexual Reproduction in Ophioglossum crotalophoroides" in American Fern Journal 1973"Log Fern (Dryopteris celsa) and Related Species in Louisiana" in Castanea 1974"The Natural History of Ophioglossum palmatum in South Florida" in American Fern Journal 1975"The gametophytes of Ophioglossum Palmatum L." in American Journal of Botany 1976"Gametophytes and Young Sporophytes of Ophioglossum Crotalophoroides Walt" in American Journal of Botany 1977"Large gametophytes of equisetum-hyemale in Northern California" in American Fern Journal 1979"Pollination biology of Listera Cordata (Orchidaceae)" in American Journal of Botany 1980"The Effectiveness of Fungus Gnats as Pollinators" in American Journal of Botany 1981"Ant Dispersal of a Neotropical Forest Floor Gesneriad" in Biotropica 1982"Food-Foraging Behavior of Male Euglossini (Hymenoptera: Apidae): Vagabonds or Trapliners?" in Biotropica 1983"Seed dispersal of Trillium Ovatum (Liliaceae) in second-growth redwood forests" in American Journal of Botany 1983"A Re-Evaluation of a Green-Flowered Asarum (Aristolochiaceae) from Southern Oregon" in Brittonia 1984"Pollen foraging by bumblebees: Foraging patterns and efficiency on Lupinus polyphyllus" in Oecologia 1990"The Status of Asarum Marmoratum (Aristolochiaceae)" in Brittonia 1991"Estimation of self-fertilization rate and allelic frequencies in diploidized tetraploids" in Heredity 1991"Natural Hybridization in Western Gooseberries (ribes subgenus grossularia: grossulariaceae)" in Madrono 1993"Morphometric Evidence of Hybrid Swarms in Mixed Populations of Polystichum munitum and P. imbricans (Dryopteridaceae)" in Systematic Botany 1993"Pollination biology of asarum hartwegii (aristolochiaceae): an evaluation of Vogel's mushroom fly hypothesis" in Madrono 1998"Molecular Confirmation of Hybrid Swarms in the Fern Genus Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae)" in Systematic Botany 2000"Evidence for natural selection in a fern hybrid zone" in American Journal of Botany 2000"The Radiation of Calochortus: Generalist Flowers Moving through a Mosaic of Potential Pollinators" in Oikos 2011"Pollination biology of Darlingtonia Californica (Sarraceniaceae), the California Pitcher Plant" in Madrono 2018"The potential for phenological mismatch between a perennial herb and its ground-nesting bee pollinator" in AoB Plants 2020"Silene Nelsonii, a new large-flowered species from the Trinity River area of Northwestern California, USA, and a re-evaluation of S. Bolanderi Gray" in Madrono 2020"Correction to Silene Nelsonii, a new large-flowered species from the Trinity River area of Northwestern California, USA, and a re-evaluation of S. Bolanderi Gray" in Madrono 2023"Host-switching by a bee where its usual pollen host is not present: Diadasia diminuta (Cresson, 1878) (Apidae: Eucerinae: Emphorini) uses the rare mallow, Iliamna latibracteata Wiggins (Malvaceae), as its pollen host in northwestern California and southwestern Oregon" in Pan-Pacific Entomologist