Garfinkel, Megan B. |
2023 |
"Testing the accuracy of a Rights-of-Way pollinator habitat scoring system" in Ecological Indicators |
Vignery, Chris |
2023 |
"Salamander Habitat Abundance Based on Water Flow" in ideaFest Posters |
Kennedy, Bridget |
2023 |
"Resilience, mindfulness, anxiety, and depression within a dual-continua model of mental health approach" in Journal of Happiness and Health |
Safran, Rebecca Jo |
2023 |
"Understanding Organisms Using Ecological Observatory Networks" in Integrative Organismal Biology |
Kelsey, Harvey M. |
2023 |
"The signature of accumulated permanent uplift, northern Cascadia subduction zone" in Quaternary Research |
Uehling, Jessie K. |
2023 |
"Comparing genomic variant identification protocols for Candida auris" in Microbial Genomics |
Godlin, Sarah |
2023 |
"2023 Digital Publishing Catalog" in Check Out the Library |
Siering, Patricia L. |
2023 |
"First year STEM curriculum co-created with Indigenous scientists improves intellectual growth, psychosocial factors associated with retention, and academic achievement of students from racially minoritized groups historically underrepresented in STEM" in Research Square |
Bautista, Amanda |
2023 |
"Time Activity Budgets of Ruddy Ducks at the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary" in ideaFest Poster |
Alyna, Adnan |
2023 |
"Does the Thatcher Effect Extend to Infant Faces?" in ideaFest Poster |
Nayeri, Danial |
2023 |
"Comparing Mexican spotted owl habitat suitability in two different habitat types using a multi-scale ensemble learning framework" in Theses and Projects |
Meyer, John Mark |
2023 |
"Power and Truth in Science-Related Populism: Rethinking the Role of Knowledge and Expertise in Climate Politics" in Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy |
Cerda, Genevive |
2023 |
"Being Part of the LGBTQ+ Community" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Chapman, Ryanne N. |
2023 |
"Sampling Lepidopter Moth Diversity across Different Treatment Plots at the Ocean Ranch Unit in the Eel River Wildlife Area, Humboldt County, California" in Theses and Projects |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2023 |
"Ventilation in a Residential Building Brings Outdoor NOx Indoors with Limited Implications for VOC Oxidation from NO3 Radicals" in Environmental Science & Technology |
Mola, John M. |
2023 |
"Recent and future declines of a historically widespread pollinator linked to climate, land cover, and pesticides" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
Berrill, John-Pascal |
2023 |
"Residual Stand Structure and Topography Predict Initial Survival and Animal Browsing of Redwood and Douglas-Fir Seedlings Planted in Coastal Forests of Northern California" in Sustainability |
Fuhrmann, Jeffry J. |
2023 |
"Spontaneously Produced Lysogenic Phages Are an Important Component of the Soybean Bradyrhizobium Mobilome" in mBio |
Ballinger, Heather H. |
2023 |
"Critical Realignment of Humboldt’s “Normal School”: Meeting the Changing Landscape of Teacher Education" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Holmes, Erin |
2023 |
"Fired Up: Humboldt students work with fire" in Osprey |
Pacheco, Kimberli |
2023 |
"Where Am I From?" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Scaramella, Nicholas |
2023 |
"Host brood traits, independent of adult behaviours, reduce Varroa destructor mite reproduction in resistant honeybee populations" in International Journal for Parasitology |
Karraker, Nancy E. |
2023 |
"Post-emergence movements and habitat use by hatchling diamondback terrapins" in Journal of Wildlife Management |
Som, Nicholas A |
2023 |
"Calibration of the Trinity River Stream Salmonid Simulator (S3) with Extension to the Klamath River, California, 2006–17" in US Geological Survey Open-File Report |
Ackerman, James D. |
2023 |
"Beyond the various contrivances by which orchids are pollinated: global patterns in orchid pollination biology" in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |