First Name: William TimLast Name: BeanPublications: YearPublication 2007"Using a spatially explicit model to test scenarios of fire use by Native Americans: an example from the Harlem Plains, New York, NY" in Ecological Modelling 2008"Accelerated human population growth at protected area edges" in Science 2009"The rise of the mesopredator" in Bioscience 2012"The effects of small sample size and sample bias on threshold selection and accuracy assessment of species distribution models" in Ecography 2012"An evaluation of monitoring methods for the endangered giant kangaroo rat" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2014"Review of The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 2014"Species distribution models of an endangered rodent offer conflicting measures of habitat quality at multiple scales" in Journal of Applied Ecology 2014"A Multi-Scale Distribution Model For Non-Equilibrium Populations Suggests Resource Limitation In An Endangered Rodent" in Plos ONE 2015"Environmental Reviews and Case Studies: Applications of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for Waterbird Surveys" in Environmental Practice 2016"A suitability model for white-footed voles with insights into habitat associations at the southern boundary of their range" in Northwestern Naturalist 2017"Distribution of the North American Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) in Northern California" in Open Educational Resources 2017"'Distribution of the North American Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) in Northern California" Appendix" in Research Data Sets 2017"What should go in a wildlife professional's geospatial toolbox?" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2018"Ecological winners and losers of extreme drought in California" in Nature Climate Change 2018"Seasonal resource acquisition strategies of a facultative specialist herbivore at the edge of its range" in Journal of Mammalogy 2019"Evaluating current and future range limits of an endangered, keystone rodent (Dipodomys ingens)" in Diversity and Distributions 2019"Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research" in PLOS ONE 2019"Historical Population Size Change and Differentiation of Relict Populations of the Endangered Giant Kangaroo Rat" in Journal of Heredity 2019"Reconstruction of the historical range alters niche estimates in an endangered rodent" in Ecography 2019"Generalist dispersal and gene flow of an endangered keystone specialist (Dipodomys ingens)" in Journal of Mammalogy 2019"Point Arena Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia Rufa Nigra) Selects Cool Climates at Fine Spatial Scales" in Northwestern Naturalist 2020“Compensatory Microhabitat Selection By Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus Oreganus Oreganus) In A Cool And Wet Macroclimate” in Journal of Herpetology 2020“Shade Trees Preserve Avian Insectivore Biodiversity On Coffee Farms In A Warming Climate” in Ecology and Evolution 2021"Foothill yellow-legged frog breeding biology in a semi-regulated river, Humboldt County, CA" in California Fish and Wildlife Special CESA Issue 2021"Combining Occurrence and Habitat Suitability Data Improve Conservation Guidance for the Giant Kangaroo Rat" in Wildlife Management 2021"Data Repository for "North American Porcupine Distribution in the Pacific Northwest and Evaluation of a Non-Invasive Monitoring Technique" in Research Data Sets 2021"A Novel Automated Method for Point-Based Change Detection Increases Estimation Accuracy of Breeding Pairs in Waterbird Colonies" in Waterbirds 2021"North American Porcupine Distribution in the Pacific Northwest and Evaluation of a Non-Invasive Monitoring Technique" in Northwestern Naturalist 2021"Mixed Evidence for Niche Conservatism in Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia Rufa) Lineages" in Northwestern Naturalist 2022"Noninvasive genetic sampling with a spatial capture-recapture analysis to estimate abundance of Roosevelt elk" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 2022"Karuk ecological fire management practices promote elk habitat in northern California" in Journal of Applied Ecology 2022"A multi-metric movement model for identifying elk parturition events" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2022"The effect of shade tree species on bird communities in central Kenyan coffee farm" in Bird Conservation International 2022"Tule elk selection of surface water and forage is mediated by season and drought" in California Fish and Wildlife Scientific Journal 2022"Estimating Wildlife Density as a Function of Environmental Heterogeneity Using Unmarked Data" in Remote Sensing 2023"A spatial, closed integrated population model to estimate wildlife population size and structure" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 2023"Contrasting management paradigms for pronghorn in the arid Southwest and their northern range: a review" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 2023"Patch size and connectivity predict remnant habitat occupancy by an endangered wetland specialist, the salt marsh harvest mouse" in Landscape Ecology 2024"A new search behaviour: porcupines scout for winter habitat during summer" in Animal Behaviour 2024"Climatically robust multiscale species distribution models to support pronghorn recovery in California" in Ecology and Evolution 2024"The past and current distribution of the lesser-known Indian endemic Madras Hedgehog Paraechinus nudiventris (Mammalia: Eulipotyphla: Erinaceidae)" in Journal of Threatened Taxa 2024"A Multi-Scale Species Distribution Model for Migrating and Overwintering Western Monarch Butterflies: Climate Is the Best Predictor" in Diversity 2024"Fecal genotyping to estimate small mammal population size, with a comparison to live mark-recapture estimates" in California Fish and Wildlife Scientific Journal