Lindler, Yvette |
2023 |
"Analyzing residential curbside collection for food waste in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects |
Anjewierden, Benjamin |
2023 |
"Positive and negative contact as predictors of attitudes toward law enforcement" in Theses and Projects |
Lowe, Anthony Michael |
2023 |
"Make a foreigner of yourself: an analysis of the dueling critical utopias of The Dispossessed and Trouble on Triton" in Theses and Projects |
Trent, Sara M. |
2023 |
"Schumaker Acres equine assisted learning curriculum: building social emotional learning skills for autistic individuals" in Theses and Projects |
Holmes, Alison R. |
2023 |
"Introduction to Theme 4: Scientific Essentials and Sustainable Environments" in csuglobaljournal |
Holmes, Alison R. |
2023 |
"Introduction to Theme 3: Networks of Economy and Trade" in csuglobaljournal |
Holmes, Alison R. |
2023 |
"Introduction to Theme 2: Institutions, Structures and Power" in csuglobaljournal |
Holmes, Alison R. |
2023 |
"Introduction to Theme 1: Society, Culture and Identity" in csuglobaljournal |
Moore, Jeffrey E. |
2023 |
"A collaborative and near-comprehensive North Pacific humpback whale photo-ID dataset" in Scientific Reports |
O'Dowd, Alison P. |
2023 |
"2023 Klamath Dam Removal Science Collaboration Workshop Summary Report" in Reports |
Tierra, Daniela |
2023 |
"'Think of the Children!': Understanding Parental and Community Opposition to Critical Race Theory in Schools" in ideaFest Poster |
Peltier-Olson, Calla |
2023 |
"'The Sense of Solidarity': Relational Ethics, Peer Support, and Specialized Resources for Rural and Indigenous Social Work Education Program Alumni" in ideaFest Journal |
Tierra, Daniela |
2023 |
"'Think of the children!': understanding parental and community opposition to critical race theory" in Theses and Projects |
Blubaugh, Josie |
2023 |
"'Concealing the excess of her pleasure': A queer reading of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey" in Theses and Projects |
Petlewski, Alaina R. |
2023 |
""Taxonomic insights from floral scents of western North American sessile-flowered Trillium" in American Journal of Botany |