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Displaying 1301 - 1325 of 1440
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Wan, Ho Yi 2023

"Seventy-two models of large mammal connectivity across Panama: insights into a critical biogeographic linkage zone" in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Jacobs, Michael 2023

"Spatial and Temporal Variations of Microplastics within Humboldt Bay, California" in CSU Journal of Sustainability and Climate Change

Geronimo, Carisse 2023

"Climate and air pollution impacts of generating biopower from forest management residues in California" in IOP Science

Pedraza, Carlos 2023

"Renewable Energy Coming to Humboldt" in Osprey

Aryan, Aminah 2023

"Examining the relationship between zooplankton abundance and piscivorous bird richness at the Arcata Mars" in ideaFest Poster

Hohman, Julia 2023

"Exploratory Study for Indoor Turf Field Facilities on the North Coast" in ideaFest Poster

Curtis, Jennifer A. 2023

"Effects of structure and volcanic stratigraphy on groundwater and surface water flow: Hat Creek basin, California, USA" in Hydrogeology Journal

Berrill, John-Pascal 2023

"Early Responses to Crown Modification of California Black Oak Sprouts Initiated by High-Severity Wildfire" in Journal of Forestry

Jamison-Espinoza, Juliana 2023

"Self-Determination Theory in Autism Spectrum Disorder" in ideaFest Posters

Kowalski, Elizabeth 2023

"Kirby-Bauer Disc Diffusion Method Indicates Absence of Antimicrobial Properties in Ariolimax columbianus Mucus" in Humboldt Journal of Microbiology

Oliver, Dale R. 2023

"First year STEM curriculum co-created with Indigenous scientists improves intellectual growth, psychosocial factors associated with retention, and academic achievement of students from racially minoritized groups historically underrepresented in STEM" in Research Square

Villalobos Cazares, Darlene A. 2023

"Beer-spoilage Bacterial Strains in Large and Small Corporations in Breweries" in Humboldt Journal of Microbiology

Barrientos, Cassidy L. 2023

"Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) in Rural California: Critical Reflections on an Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Ortega, Justus D. 2023

"Preinjury Measures Do Not Predict Future Concussion Among Collegiate Student-Athletes: Findings From the CARE Consortium" in American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Lindley, Sean T. 2023

"Knobcone pine response to shading from competing chaparral shrubs following stand-replacing wildfire" in Theses and Projects

Sprowles, Amy E 2023

"First year STEM curriculum co-created with Indigenous scientists improves intellectual growth, psychosocial factors associated with retention, and academic achievement of students from racially minoritized groups historically underrepresented in STEM" in Research Square

Bruntil, Taylor Robert 2023

"Are biodiverse communities more resistant to invasion? A case study with marine fouling communities" in Theses and Projects

Meza, Mayra 2023

"Somos Músicos" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Wagner, Robert L. 2023

"Coccidioides undetected in soils from agricultural land and uncorrelated with time or the greater soil fungal community on undeveloped land" in PLOS Pathogens

Anderson, Jill 2023

"What Counts as Literacy in the Polytechnic Hispanic Serving Institution? Culturally Sustaining Frameworks for Writing Assignments, Assessment, and Language Use" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Owens, Ken 2023

"Supercomputer Takes Shape at Library Makerspace" in Check Out the Library

Zhong, Jianmin 2023

"Functional analysis of Rickettsia monacensis strain humboldt folA dihydrofolate reductase gene via complementation assay" in Ticks and Tick-born Diseases

Jackson, Jr., Tom 2023

"College Matters: Cal Poly Humboldt celebrates academic expansion" in Times-Standard

Sullivan, Riley 2023

"Habitat Selection of Northern Harriers in Grasslands and Coastal Wetlands in Humboldt County, CA" in ideaFest Poster

Escamilla, Isabella M. 2023

"Patellofemoral Joint Loading during the Performance of the Wall Squat and Ball Squat with Heel-to-Wall-Distance Variations" in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise