First Name: John M.Last Name: MolaPublications: YearPublication 2013"Toward a mechanism for eastern North American forest mesophication: differential litter drying across 17 species" in Ecological Applications 2014"The role of native bees on organic farms in Humboldt County, California" in Theses and Projects 2014"Altered Community Flammability in Florida’s Apalachicola Ravines and Implications for the Persistence of the Endangered Conifer Torreya taxifolia" in PLOS ONE 2018"Fire-induced change in floral abundance, density, and phenology benefits bumble bee foragers" in Ecosphere 2018"Effects of wildfire on floral display size and pollinator community reduce outcrossing rate in a plant with a mixed mating system" in American Journal of Botany 2019"A lever action hypothesis for pendulous hummingbird flowers: experimental evidence from a columbine" in Annals of Botany 2019"A review of methods for the study of bumble bee movement" in Apidologie 2019"Fantastic bees and where to find them: locating the cryptic overwintering queens of a western bumble bee" in Ecosphere 2020"Wildfire reveals transient changes to individual traits and population responses of a native bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii" in Journal of Animal Ecology 2020"Forests do not limit bumble bee foraging movements in a montane meadow complex" in Ecological Entomology 2021"Impact of “non-lethal” tarsal clipping on bumble bees (Bombus vosnesenskii) may depend on queen stage and worker size" in Journal of Insect Conservation 2021"Long‐term surveys support declines in early season forest plants used by bumblebees" in Journal of Applied Ecology 2021"The Importance of Forests in Bumble Bee Biology and Conservation" in BioScience 2022"Pursuing best practices for minimizing wild bee captures to support biological research" in Conservation Science and Practice 2022"Flower plantings support wild bee reproduction and may also mitigate pesticide exposure effects" in Journal of Applied Ecology 2022"The potential and realized foraging movements of bees are differentially determined by body size and sociality" in Ecology 2023"Recent and future declines of a historically widespread pollinator linked to climate, land cover, and pesticides" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2023"Addressing Detection Uncertainty in Bombus affinis (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Surveys Can Improve Inferences Made From Monitoring" in Environmental Entomology 2024"Range-wide genetic analysis of an endangered bumble bee (Bombus affinis, Hymenoptera: Apidae) reveals population structure, isolation by distance, and low colony abundance" in Journal of Insect Science