Year | Publication |
2003 | |
2008 | |
2010 | "Assessing longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) restoration after southern pine beetle kill using a compact experimental design" in Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research |
2012 | "Geographic Patterns and Stand Variables Influencing Growth and Vigor of Populus tremuloides in the Sierra Nevada (USA)" in International Scholarly Research Notices |
2013 | |
2016 | "Predicting Treatment Longevity after Successive Conifer Removals in Sierra Nevada Aspen Restoration" in Ecological Restoration |
2017 | |
2018 | |
2018 | |
2020 | |
2020 | |
2021 | |
2021 | |
2022 | |
2022 | "Dynamics of stump sprout regeneration after transformation to multiaged management in coast redwood forests" in Forest Ecology and Management |
2023 | "Forest restoration mitigates drought vulnerability of coast Douglas-fir in a Mediterranean climate" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research |
2023 | "Heavy crown thinning in redwood/Douglas-fir gave superior forest restoration outcomes after 10 years" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research |
2023 |