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Displaying 51 - 75 of 1440
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Lara, Luis 2023

"ACEs, Perceived Academic Control, and GPA in College Students of Diverse Backgrounds" in ideaFest Posters

Rios Gomez, Chelsea 2023

"Ode to the One That Raised Me" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Ergas, Sarina J. 2023

"Autotrophic denitrification supported by sphalerite and oyster shells: Chemical and microbiome analysis" in Bioresource Technology

Guild, Liane 2023

"Synergies Between NASA's Hyperspectral Aquatic Missions PACE, GLIMR, and SBG: Opportunities for New Science and Applications" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

Gwenzi, David 2023

"Multiscale predictors of small tree survival across a heterogeneous tropical landscape" in PLOS ONE

Stanton, Meghan 2023

"Sustainability in Mental Health" in ideaFest Poster

Bacon, Parker C. 2023

"Coastal Prairie Enhancement Recommendations for the Baduwa’t Estuary Overlook" in Theses and Projects

Greene, David F. 2023

"Fostering Socio-Ecological Resilience to Wildfire by Interconnecting Knowledge Systems at Cal Poly Humboldt" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Lui, Allison 2023

"Observations of tissue healing around an implanted “C” tag in a Pacific Coast Feeding Group gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)" in Marine Mammal Science

Dellos, Ione 2023

"I was born knowing you, I was born loving you: there is no love like a sibling's love" in Osprey

Schwetman, Sondra P. 2023

"Sculpture Walk Spring 2023" in ideaFest Posters

Worthington, Joshua 2023

"Does Having Siblings Affect Caretaking Responses to Infants?" in ideaFest Poster

Hoyle, Charles D. 2023

"Environmental Monitoring for Tests of Gravity Below Fifty Microns" in ideaFest Poster

Jackson, Randall David 2023

"Influence of Pasture Stocking Method on Surface Runoff and Nutrient Loss in the US Upper Midwest" in Nitrogen

Crinklaw, Madison N. 2023

"Broken" in Toyon

Bishop, Benjamin H. 2023

"Social context modulates autonomic responses to direct eye contact" in Physiology & Behavior

Appel, Cara L. 2023

"Long-term monitoring in transition: Resolving spatial mismatch and integrating multistate occupancy data" in Ecological Indicators

Black, Jeffrey M. 2023

"North American River Otter diet includes invasive Sacramento Pikeminnow and herpetofauna on South Fork Eel River, Northern California" in Northwestern Naturalist

Abarca-Ruiz, Nayali 2023

"Fruit Salad" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Johnson, Victoria 2023

"Effects of Substrate Rugosity on Abundance and Gonad Condition of Purple Urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) in the Intertidal Zone" in ideaFest Poster

Henderson, Mark J. 2023

"Toward absolute abundance for conservation applications: Estimating the number of contributors via microhaplotype genotyping of mixed-DNA samples" in Molecular Ecology Resources

Dawson, Elizabeth J. 2023

"Results of the 2022 eastern and northern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate fauna" in NOAA Technical Memorandum

Vernon, David R. 2023

"Performance characterization of M-cycle indirect evaporative cooler and heat recovery ventilator for commercial buildings – Experiments and model" in Energy and Buildings

Alderson, Julie 2023

"Conversations with Art Faculty: Visualizing a Polytechnic “Aesthetic Toolbox” for Hands-On, Community- Based Education" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Kontos, Anthony P. 2023

"Evaluating Targeted Therapeutic Response With Predictive Blood-Based Biomarkers in Patients With Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury" in Neurotrauma Reports