Davies-Hughes, Seren C. |
2023 |
"Essential Oils and their Antimicrobial Effect on Serratia Marcescens" in Humboldt Journal of Microbiology |
Davis, Harley |
2023 |
"Abating Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections" in ideaFest Posters |
Davis, Laura Lea |
2023 |
"Kom-Butcher of Pathogens" in Humboldt Journal of Microbiology |
Davis, Tylor |
2023 |
"Self-Determination Theory in Individuals with Disabilities" in ideaFest Posters |
Dawson, Elizabeth J. |
2023 |
"Results of the 2022 eastern and northern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate fauna" in NOAA Technical Memorandum |
Dawson, Laura |
2023 |
"The Art of Social Justice" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
DeArmond, Daniel |
2023 |
"A Systematic Review of Logging Impacts in the Amazon Biome" in Forests |
DeArmond, Daniel |
2023 |
"Soil compaction in skid trails still affects topsoil recovery 28 years after logging in Central Amazonia" in Geoderma |
DeArmond, Daniel |
2023 |
"The Challenges of Sustainable Forest Operations in Amazonia" in Current Forestry Reports |
DeArmond, Daniel |
2024 |
"Surface soil recovery occurs within 25 years for skid trails in the Brazilian Amazon" in CATENA |
Decker, Teagan |
2023 |
"Comfort Corner: Grandma's 2-Day Lasagna" in Osprey |
Deibner-Hanson, John D. |
2023 |
"A life cycle model for evaluating estuary residency and recovery potential in Chinook salmon" in Fisheries Research |
Del Aguila, Liam |
2023 |
"Humboldt County GIS Data Archive" in ideaFest Poster |
Del Aguila, Liam |
2023 |
"Interactive GIS Data Archive: Innovation @ Cal Poly Humboldt Library" in Check Out the Library |
Delany, Colwyn |
2023 |
"Who is the Humboldt Honey? 40 years later" in Osprey |
Dellos, Ione |
2023 |
"I was born knowing you, I was born loving you: there is no love like a sibling's love" in Osprey |
Dennis, Amber Rae |
2023 |
"Twilight seaweed harvest" in Osprey |
Dennis, Amber Rae |
2023 |
"Humboldt's own harm reduction faerie" in Osprey |
DeRyan, Glenage |
2023 |
"A Mediation on Prophylactics, Above Ground Pools, and the Antique World" in Toyon |
Deshmukh, Ranjit |
2023 |
"The Health and Climate Benefits of Economic Dispatch in China’s Power System" in Environmental Science and Technology |
Deshmukh, Ranjit |
2023 |
"Equitable low-carbon transition pathways for California’s oil extraction" in Nature Energy |
Deshmukh, Ranjit |
2023 |
"Well setbacks limit California’s oil supply with larger health benefits and employment losses than excise and carbon taxes" in Nature Energy |
Deshmukh, Ranjit |
2023 |
"Evaluating equity and justice in low-carbon energy transitions" in Environmental Research Letters |
Deshmukh, Ranjit |
2023 |
"Geophysical Constraints on Decarbonized Systems—Building Spatio-Temporal Uncertainties into Future Electricity Grid Planning" in Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports |
Deshmukh, Ranjit |
2023 |
"Global transcontinental power pools for low-carbon electricity" in Nature Communications |