Guerrero, Ian |
2021 |
"Del Norte County Offshore Wind Preliminary Feasibility Assessment" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Larson, Jared D. |
2021 |
"Birds of a Feather: Populism and the Pandemic" in Tempo Exterior |
Boston, Kevin D. |
2021 |
"76-year decline and recovery of aspen mediated by contrasting fire regimes: Long-unburned, infrequent and frequent mixed-severity wildfire" in PLoS ONE |
Marchand, Geneviève |
2021 |
"Social Class Considerations in Outdoor Leadership Education" in New Directions for Student Leadership |
Kerhoulas, Nicholas J. |
2021 |
"Physiology and Growth of Douglas-Fir and Redwood Seedlings Planted After Partial Harvesting" in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change |
Brady, Katelyn |
2021 |
"Sea Level Rise Planning for the Arcata Wastewater Treatment Facility" in ideaFest Poster |
Schmitz, Marissa B. |
2021 |
"How politics shapes the outcomes of forest carbon finance" in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability |
Ramirez, Ray O. |
2021 |
"Humboldt in the Time of Covid-19: Sophia Maghran Interview" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive |
Sinnott, Aaron M. |
2021 |
"Discriminative Validity of Vestibular Ocular Motor Screening in Identifying Concussion Among Collegiate Athletes: A National Collegiate Athletic Association–Department of Defense Concussion Assessment, Research, and Education Consortium Study" in The American Journal of Sports Medicine |
Arregi, Joseba I. |
2021 |
"Plastic Shamans, Intellectual Colonialism and Intellectual Apprpriation in New Age Movements"in The international Journal of Ecopsycology |
Volenec, Sloan A. |
2021 |
"Nothing at All" in Toyon |
Walsh, Ann Nehaya |
2021 |
"Eddylines" in ideaFest Journal
Weber, Kassandra A. |
2021 |
"Progress on Novel Tests of Gravity at the Submillimeter Scale" in APS April Meeting |
Bogle, Sherenne |
2021 |
"The Impact of Social Media On HCI" in International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI) |
Luczkovich, Joseph John |
2021 |
"Linking Fishing Behavior and Ecosystem Dynamics Using Social and Ecological Network Models" in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |
Anro, Giancarlo |
2021 |
"An overview of electronic preference assessments and recommendations for their use in telehealth" in Theses and Projects |
Accomando, Christina H. |
2021 |
"Bao Phi" in Asian American Literature |
DeMatteo, Francis J. |
2021 |
Delivering Psycho-educational Evaluation Results to Parents-A Practitioner's Model |
Qu, Li |
2021 |
“A New Approach To Estimating Earnings Forecasting Models: Robust Regression Mm-Estimation” in International Journal of Forecasting |
Chaudhury, Sarita Ray |
2021 |
"This Is Who I Am: Instagram as Counterspace for Shared Gendered Ethnic Identity Expressions" in Journal of the Association for Consumer Research |
Radecsky, Kristen |
2021 |
"Requirements and Guidelines for Installation of Off-Grid Solar Systems for Public Facilities" in World Bank's Lighting Africa Program |
Graham-Whitt, Julia |
2021 |
"Seed Saving for a Pretty Spring and Summer Next Year" in North Coast Journal |
Miller, Timothy |
2021 |
"New Online SkillShops" in Check Out the Library |
Swartz, Ronnie |
2021 |
"We Live Here: Humboldt Families Coping with COVID19: Latrice" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive |
Gerarden, Andrea |
2021 |
"Women in Prisons and Jails" in ideaFest Presentation