First Name: DanielLast Name: DeArmondPublications: YearPublication 2019"Impacts of soil compaction persist 30 years after logging operations in the Amazon Basin" in Soil and Tillage Research 2020"An Assessment of Soil Compaction after Logging Operations in Central Amazonia" in Forest Science 2021"Natural Recovery of Skid Trails. A Review" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2021"Environmental Thermal Conditions Related to Performance, Dynamics and Safety of Logging in the Brazilian Amazon" in Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 2021"Global review on forest road optimization planning: Support for sustainable forest management in Amazonia" in Forest Ecology and Management 2021"Removal of Woody Debris from Logging Gaps Influences Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in the Short Term: A Case Study in Central Amazonia" in Forest Science 2022"Wood extraction performance with a farm tractor in a mountainous region of Brazil: cycle time, productivity and costs of two different work crews" in Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 2022"Impacts to soil properties still evident 27 years after abandonment in Amazonian log landings" in Forest Ecology and Management 2022"Logging intensity affects growth and lifespan trajectories for pioneer species in Central Amazonia" in Forest Ecology and Management 2023"A Systematic Review of Logging Impacts in the Amazon Biome" in Forests 2023"Soil compaction in skid trails still affects topsoil recovery 28 years after logging in Central Amazonia" in Geoderma 2023"The Challenges of Sustainable Forest Operations in Amazonia" in Current Forestry Reports 2024"Surface soil recovery occurs within 25 years for skid trails in the Brazilian Amazon" in CATENA 2024"Logging Machinery Traffic Has Greatest Influence on Soil Chemical Properties in the Amazonian Rainy Season" in Forest Science