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Displaying 176 - 200 of 1662
Author Year Publicationssort ascending
Jones, Andrea 2021

"Andrea Jones: HCBMAA Literacy Coordinator Concluding Thoughts" in Redwood Roots Videos

Madurapperuma, Buddhika 2021

"Weaving indigenous knowledge into best practices in Western STEM education: A panel discussion with video presentations from CSU Humboldt" in Indigenous and Western Knowledge Conference Proceedings

Madurapperuma, Buddhika 2021

"Use of sUAS imagery for surveying waterfowls in a managed wetland in Colusa County" in Annual Meeting American Association of Geographers Proceedings

O'Dowd, Alison P. 2021

"The River Field Studies Network: connecting rivers, people, & science through immersive field-based education” in Society for Freshwater Science Annual meeting

Hangauer, Kelly R. 2021

"The heart of America, the heart of the world: International identity of Kansas City women reformers in the 1930s" in Annual Missouri Conference on History

Hatendi, Chipo 2021

"The Advertising of Modern Contraceptives: Some Gender Implications for Women in Johane Marange Apostolic Church in Zimbabwe" in Zambezia, Journal of Humanities of the University of Zimbabwe

Begay, Kayla Carpenter 2021

"Teaching Wailaki: Archives, interpretation, and collaboration" in Translating Across Time and Space

Kiemnec-Tyburczy, Karen M. 2021

"Taricha granulosa (Rough-skinned newt). Overwintering of larvae and larval diet" in Herpetological Review

Madurapperuma, Buddhika 2021

"Seed production of serotinous species" in 9th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress Proceedings

Malloy, Kerri J. 2021

"Rising from the Terminal Narrative: Rhetoric of anti-Indian Violence in the United States" in 7th Violence and Society Conference

Potter, Berit 2021

"Review of Frida Kahlo: Appearances Can Be Deceiving September 25, 2020 - February 7, 2021" in Panorama

Abidari, Jonathan 2021

"Possibilities and Pathways: Connecting Multimodality and Educational Equity in the FYC Program" in Multimodal Composition Faculty Development Programs and Institutional Change

Furniss, Sean 2021

"Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Warnings Out of Town, 1722/3-1769" in The New Hampshire Genealogical Record

Gaffney, Amber M. 2021

"Populism in the west as a form of influence" in The Psychology of Populism: The Tribal Change to Liberal Democracy. Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology

Kalt, Jennifer 2021

"Mercury Testing of Sport/Food Fishes from Nearshore Ocean Waters of Humboldt County, California" in Report to California Environmental Protection Agency

Crawford, Brandon 2021

"Investigating Vegetation Responses to Underground Nuclear Explosions Through Integrated Analyses" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

Tran, Dung Davy 2021

"Investigating the scoring inference of an ESL paired speaking test" in TESOL Doctoral Research Virtual Forum

Lipe, Daniel 2021

"Indigenous Knowledge Systems as the Missing Link in Scientific Worldviews: A Discussion on Western Science as a Contested Space" in Indigenous Education: New Directions in Theory and Practice

Sherriff, Rosemary L. 2021

"Impacts of climate changes and amplified natural disturbance on global ecosystems" in The Routledge Handbook of Landscape Ecology

Matlock II, Kevin A. 2021

"Impact of Hypoglycaemia on Quality of Life in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes" in Hypo-RESOLVE Annual Meeting

Madurapperuma, Buddhika 2021

"Ethnobotanical index and native plant agroecosystem' Models in Humboldt County Bioregions" in Indigenous and Western Knowledge Conference Proceedings

Kooy, Rachel E. 2021

"Embodied Reading: How Personality Manifests in Reading Strategies, the Reading Environment and Meaning Making" in Symposium on Reading in a dialogical-embodied perspective

O'Dowd, Alison P. 2021

"Education Abroad for Sustainable Global Stewardship: A Quantitative Assessment Study" in NAFSA Research Symposium Series

Madurapperuma, Buddhika 2021

"Defenders of wildlife conservation in Sri Lanka’s national parks: A cautionary note for the future of rangers" in PARKS: International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation

Hangauer, Kelly R. 2021

"Cutting through the red tape: The BI movement, bureaucratic authority, and professional identity" in Library History Seminar XIV: Libraries without Borders