Year | Publication |
2018 | "Catching the SoTL Bug: An Interview with Librarian Lauren Hays" in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Innovative Pedagogy |
2019 | |
2019 | "Open-pedagogical collaboration as a ready-made service" in openEd Conference Presentations |
2020 | "Somewhere between rational and irrational: Creativity in the graduate research process and its implications for librarians" in Transforming Libraries for Graduate Studies Conference Presentation |
2021 | "The heart of America, the heart of the world: International identity of Kansas City women reformers in the 1930s" in Annual Missouri Conference on History |
2021 | "School administrators and physical educators: A scoping review of perceptions and partnerships from 2000 to 2020" in Journal of School Leadership |
2021 | "Cutting through the red tape: The BI movement, bureaucratic authority, and professional identity" in Library History Seminar XIV: Libraries without Borders |
2021 | "A renewed sense of purpose: The role of social activism in the rise of the grassroots bibliographic instruction movement" in ALA Annual Library History Round Table Research Forum |
2022 | "Structured play groups for children with autism spectrum disorder: A critical review" in Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals |
2022 | "Striking a balance: Evidence synthesis support for graduate students" in Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students Conference Proceedings |
2022 | "Addressing Literature Gaps in Online Learning and Adapted Physical Education: A Scoping Review" in Kinesiology Review |
2023 | "Uncharted waters: A history of the bibliographic instruction movement and its administrative context" in Libraries without Borders: New Directions in Library History |
2023 | "Activating the information literacy imagination with librarian led First-Year Seminars" in LOEX Conference Proceedings |