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Displaying 26 - 50 of 1810
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Hardy, Michael A. 2012

"Factors Influencing Snowy Plover Nest Survival on Ocean-fronting Beaches in Coastal Northern California" in BioOne

Peloso, Pedro 2012

"Variation in the glossal skeleton arrangement of Rhinatrema ron (Gymnophiona: Rhinatrematidae) and its systematic implications" in Salamandra

Burrell, Noah S. 2012

"Direct and indirect evidence that productivity of Snowy Plovers Charadrius nivosus varies with occurrence of a nest predator" in Wildfowl

Pearson, Wendy J. 2013

"Effects of nest success and mate fidelity on breeding dispersal in a population of Snowy Plovers Charadrius nivosus" in Bird Conservation International

Eberhart-Phillips-Hertel, Luke J. 2013

"Apparent survival of snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) varies with reproductive effort and year and between sexes" in The Auk

Mehl, Heather K. 2013

"Mortality and growth of dwarf mistletoe-infected red and white fir and the efficacy of thinning for reducing associated losses" in Forest Pathology

Pearson, Wendy J. 2013

"Apparent survival of snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) varies with reproductive effort and year and between sexes" in The Auk

Eberhart-Phillips-Hertel, Luke J. 2015

"Spatial synchrony of a threatened shorebird: Regional roles of climate, dispersal and management" in Bird Conservation International

Hudgens, Brian R. 2015

"Spatial synchrony of a threatened shorebird: Regional roles of climate, dispersal and management" in Bird Conservation International

Farrington, Jacqueline 2015

"Humboldt Hindsight is 2020: Hungry for Humboldt" in Library Student Projects

Herman, Dana M. 2015

"Lifetime reproductive success of Snowy Plovers in coastal northern California" in The Condor

Alberto, Brittani 2015

"Humboldt Hindsight is 2020: Life in Humboldt County" in Library Student Projects

Ambriz, Jorge 2015

"Humboldt Hindsight is 2020: Transportation in Humboldt County" in Library Student Projects

Fingerman, Kevin R. 2016

"Guiding Northwest California Towards Alternative Transportation Fuels: A Roadmap to 2020 and Beyond" in Video Recording

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2016

"Suites of Fire-Adapted traits of Oaks in the Southeastern USA: Multiple Strategies for Persistence" in Fire Ecology 

Varner, J. Morgan 2016

"Fire in Eastern north American Oak Ecosystems: Filling the Gaps" in Fire Ecology

Varner, J. Morgan 2016

"Suites of Fire-Adapted traits of Oaks in the Southeastern USA: Multiple Strategies for Persistence" in Fire Ecology

Fingerman, Kevin R. 2016

"Towards the development of a European bioenergy trade strategy for 2020 and beyond" in European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings

Orluck, David J. 2017

"Recent Snowy Plover population increase arises from high immigration rate in coastal northern California" in Wader Study

Lau, Matthew Joseph 2017

"Recent Snowy Plover population increase arises from high immigration rate in coastal northern California" in Wader Study

Mata, Christine 2017

"Helping Students Understand Intersectionality: Reflections from a Dialogue Project in Residential Life" in New Directions for Student Services

Feucht, Elizabeth J. 2017

"Recent Snowy Plover population increase arises from high immigration rate in coastal northern California" in Wader Study

Bliven, Jocelyn 2019

"Queen Anne's Lace" in The World "The way we saw it"

Kelsey, Damian 2019

"25 years of friendship and counting..." in The World "The way we saw it"

Fedinick-Emmons, Morrgin 2019

"Rio al sol" in The World "The way we saw it"