Castro, Jesus |
2019 |
"Green and Gold" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Caswell, Grace |
2020 |
"The Lumberjack: Spartans Arrive at HSU Despite Campus Concerns" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive |
Catt, Chant'e |
2020 |
"Humboldt Tenant Landlord Collaboration Assessment" in ideaFest Posters |
Catt, Chant'e |
2021 |
HSU Staff Cookbook 2020 - 2021 |
Catt, Chant'e |
2020 |
"Featured Student Project/Poster Presentations" in ideaFest Posters |
Cavin, Steve |
2020 |
Walking: Step by Step |
Cerbino, Daniela |
2020 |
"Hablamos español: A View of Marketing in the Multilingual Landscape of California" in Spanish across domains in the United States |
Cervantes, Alejandro |
2020 |
“Electrification of Domestic Hot Water to Aid the Integration of Renewable Energy in the California Grid” in Theses and Projects |
Cervantes, Alejandro |
2020 |
“Electrified Transit Infrastructure Planning for Humboldt County” in ideaFest Poster |
Cervi, Chris |
2020 |
"Comparison of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Composition and Concentration in Marginally- Versus Perennially-Inundated Sites on the Trinity River" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone |
Chamberlin, Charles E. |
2020 |
“Resource And Load Compatibility Assessment Of Wind Energy Offshore Of Humboldt County, California” in Energies |
Chamberlin, Charles E. |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Wind Speed Resource and Power Generation Profile Report" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Chamberlin, Charles E. |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Offshore Wind and Regional Load Compatibility Report" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Chamberlin, Charles E. |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Electricity Market Revenue Study" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Chang, Joice |
2020 |
“Continuities And Changes; Voices And Silences: A Critical Analysis Of The First Three Decades Of Scholarship In Environmental Politics” in Environmental Politics |
Chapman, Greg S. |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Chatti, Deepti |
2020 |
“Review of Caring For Glaciers: Land, Animals, And Humanity In The Himalayas” in Anthropologica |
Chatti, Deepti |
2020 |
"Drawing on knowledge: Visual narrative analysis for critical environment and development research" in Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space
Chaudhury, Sarita Ray |
2020 |
"How do machines learn? An experiential learning project applying Google's Artificial Intelligence Toolkit in an undergraduate marketing course" in Marketing Management Association Virtual Conference |
Chaudhury, Sarita Ray |
2020 |
"Youth Citizen-Consumers in Action: The Thunberg Effect in Addressing the Climate Crisis" in Society for Marketing Advances Conference |
Chaudhury, Sarita Ray |
2020 |
"Love Me or Hate Me! This is Who I am: The Use of Instagram to Create Shared Ethnic Identity Practices: An Abstract" in Academy of Marketing Sciences Virtual Conference |
Chaudhury, Sarita Ray |
2020 |
"'For The Gram': An Exploration Of The Conflict Between Influencers And Citizen-Consumers In The Public Lands Marketing System" in Journal of Macromarketing |
Chaudhury, Sarita Ray |
2020 |
"Memes as Technocultural Units: An Exploration of Young Adults' Interpretations of Memetic Discourse during COVID-19 Uncertainties" in Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings |
Cheli, Maia |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Cheli, Maia |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Federal, State, and Local Environmental Permitting Processes for Offshore Wind Development on California’s North Coast" in Schatz Energy Research Center |