Safran, Rebecca Jo |
2019 |
"Endless forms of sexual selection" in PeerJ |
Chen, Junyan |
2019 |
“Isolation and characterization of a Rickettsia from the ovary of a Western black-legged tick, Ixodes pacificus" in Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases |
Harvey, Bret C. |
2019 |
"California roach (Hesperoleucus symmetricus) in the Eel River of northwestern California: native or introduced?" in Environmental Biology of Fishes |
Sutter, Michael |
2019 |
"Rangewide tidewater goby occupancy survey using environmental DNA" in Conservation Genetics |
Varner, J. Morgan |
2019 |
"Allometry of the pyrophytic Aristida in fire-maintained longleaf pine–wiregrass ecosystems" in American Journal of Botany |
Dengler, Lori A. |
2019 |
"The cost of quakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters in 2018" in Times-Standard |
Dumouchel, Robert J. |
2019 |
"Fishing community sustainability planning: A roadmap and examples from the California coast" in Sustainability |
Carroll, Allyson L. |
2019 |
"Allometric equations for Sequoia sempervirens in forests of different ages" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Holper, David |
2019 |
The Bridge: Poems |
Pope, Amanda |
2019 |
"Using Sleeping Beauty Transposon-mediated mutagenesis to drive the evolution of fluid shear stress resistance in a pancreatic cancer cell population" in INRSEP Research Poster |
Kelly, Erin Clover |
2019 |
"Who Are We Educating and What Should They Know? An Assessment of Forestry Education in California" in Journal of Forestry |
Griffith, Zoe |
2019 |
"Mediation as an Alternative to Court: Comparing Case Type and Case Outcome" in ideaFest Poster |
Trujillo, Edna Angelica |
2019 |
"Maximizing Tandem Mass Spectrometry Acquisition Rates for Shotgun Proteomics" in Analytical Chemistry |
Sawyer Jr., John O. |
2019 |
"Checklist of the Families and Genera of Vascular Plants of California" in Botanical Studies OER |
Little, Wanda |
2019 |
"Where did the time go?" Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities |
Barry, Megan |
2019 |
"Plasmodium: A Persistent Primal Parasite" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities |
Cordova, Christina R. |
2019 |
"Create Your Own Business Card Using Adobe Illustrator" in Library Student Projects |
Medina, Jennifer |
2019 |
"Reassurance" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Miller, Timothy |
2019 |
"Diversity & Equity in the Library" in Check Out the Library |
Capehart, Griffin D. |
2019 |
"Hierarchical distance sampling to estimate population sizes of common lizards across a desert ecoregion" in Ecology and Evolution |
Lam, Nicholas L. |
2019 |
"Sensitivities to emission representation in determining air-quality, radiative-transfer and health effects of residential solid fuel in South Asia" in EGU General Assembly |
Henkel, Terry W. |
2019 |
"Epitypification of the Central African Cantharellus densifolius and C. luteopunctatus allows for the recognition of two additional species" in MycoKeys |
Ebel, Erika |
2019 |
"Catching Birds in the High Arctic" in Anthropology News |
Laird, Aldaron |
2019 |
"Humboldt Bay Area Plan Communities at Risk Strategic Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Report" in Local Reports and Publications |
Laird, Aldaron |
2019 |
"Humboldt Bay on the Threshold of Change: Sea Level Rise Challenges to a Sustainable Future" in Presentations |