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Displaying 1726 - 1750 of 1766
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Santos, Emily A. 2020

"Unexpected Nitrogen Sources in a Tropical Urban Estuary" in JGR Biogeosciences

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2020

"Influence of temperature, relative humidity, and water saturation on airborne emissions from cigarette butts" in Science of the Total Environment

Ortega, Justus D. 2020

"Bicycling Exercise Helps Maintain a Youthful Metabolic Cost of Walking in Older Adults" in Journal of Aging and Physical Activity

Aslan, Daniel Hugo 2020

"Bicycling Exercise Helps Maintain a Youthful Metabolic Cost of Walking in Older Adults" in Journal of Aging and Physical Activity

Gara, Tawanda W. 2020

"Comparing methods for mapping canopy chlorophyll content in a mixed mountain forest using Sentinel-2 data" in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

Ergas, Sarina J. 2020

"Comparative environmental and economic life cycle assessment of high solids anaerobic co-digestion for biosolids and organic waste management" in Water Research

Radzin, Bryan 2020

From The Mind Of Critic: 2019

Butz, Ramona J. 2020

"Early seral pathways of vegetation change following repeated short-interval, high-severity wildfire in a low-elevation, mixed conifer – Hardwood forest landscape of the Klamath mountains, California" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Svarc, Jerry 2020

"Magma Intrusion and Volatile Ascent Beneath Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

Ladinsky, Tyler Curtis 2020

"Surface Displacement Distributions for the July 2019 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Ruptures" in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Cox, Gregory A. 2020

"Overlapping spectrums: The clinicogenetic commonalities between Charcot-Marie-Tooth and other neurodegenerative diseases" in Brain Research

Pesce, Lola A. 2020

Does Women’s Anxious Jealousy Track Changes In Steroid Hormone Levels?” in Psychoneuroendocrinology

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"A modeling framework to evaluate blending of seawater and treated wastewater streams for synergistic desalination and potable reuse" in Water Research

Diaz, Andrew 2020

Does Women’s Anxious Jealousy Track Changes In Steroid Hormone Levels?” in Psychoneuroendocrinology

Collette, Joshua M. 2020

"Bicycling Exercise Helps Maintain a Youthful Metabolic Cost of Walking in Older Adults" in Journal of Aging and Physical Activity

Ladinsky, Tyler Curtis 2020

"Evidence of Previous Faulting along the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Ruptures" in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Hwang, Kyungrok 2020

"Soil compaction from cut-to-length thinning operations in young redwood forests in northern California" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Boyce, Scott E. 2020

"Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and northern Chihuahua, Mexico" in USGS Scientific Investigations Report

Appiah, Joseph Oduro 2020

"Quantifying, comparing, and contrasting forest change pattern from shale gas infrastructure development in the British Columbia’s shale gas plays" in International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

Carroll, Allyson L. 2020

Aboveground Biomass Dynamics And Growth Efficiency Of Sequoia Sempervirens Forests" in Forest Ecology and Management

Chaudhury, Sarita Ray 2021

"Encouraging undergraduate students to ‘self-learn’ digital marketing using infographics: An exploratory study" in Innovations in Education and Teaching International

Syfers, Lily 2021

"Leading change by protecting group identity in the 2019 Canadian general election" in Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy

Appel, Cara L. 2021

"SNAPSHOT USA 2019: a coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States" in Ecology

Melendez, Suzanne 2021

"Analysis of 2019 revegetation success rate and recommendations for further management at Cock Robin Island restoration site" in ideaFest Presentation

Walls, Ara 2021

"Analysis of 2019 revegetation success rate and recommendations for further management at Cock Robin Island restoration site" in ideaFest Presentation