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Displaying 1701 - 1725 of 1762
Authorsort ascending Year Publications
Ashby, Campbell 2019

"Meatacado" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Ashby, Campbell 2019

"Biological Relations" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Ashby, Campbell 2019

"Personal Problems = Great Literature: Shelley's Motherhood Issues Reflected In Frankensteins" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Arroyo, Francine A. 2019

"Recombination contributes to population diversification in the polyploid intestinal symbiont Epulopiscium sp. type B" in The ISME Journal

Arrington, Jovanah 2019

 “"There's No I in Team”: Student Athlete Identity at an NCAA Division II University" in Theses and projects

Arnold, Mercy 2019

"Dawn." Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Armendariz, Jessie 2019

"Wild Blueberries Increase Fat Oxidation Rate During Moderate Intensity Exercise" in Theses and project

Archibald, Josephine A. 2019

"Comparing Watershed Scale P Losses from Manure Spreading in Temperate Climates across Mechanistic Soil P Models" in Journal of Hydrologic Engineering

Archibald, Josephine A. 2019

"Peak-Flow Determination for a Road-Stream Crossing Decision Support Tool" in AGU Fall Meeting

Arbogast, Brian S. 2019

"Review of Secret Lives of Carnivorous Marsupials" in Journal of Mammalogy

Araneo, Sophie 2019

"Healing in Humboldt: Closing Substance Abuse Treatment Gaps for Families" in ideaFest Poster

Appiah, Joseph Oduro 2019

"A geospatial approach to assessing land change in the built-up landscape of Wa Municipality of Ghana" in Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography

Appiah, Joseph Oduro 2020

"Quantifying, comparing, and contrasting forest change pattern from shale gas infrastructure development in the British Columbia’s shale gas plays" in International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

Appel, Cara L. 2019

"Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research" in PLOS ONE

Appel, Cara L. 2021

"SNAPSHOT USA 2019: a coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States" in Ecology

Antoine, Marie E. 2019

"Structure and dynamics of forests dominated by Sequoiadendron giganteum" in Forest Ecology and Management

Antoine, Marie E. 2020

Aboveground Biomass Dynamics And Growth Efficiency Of Sequoia Sempervirens Forests" in Forest Ecology and Management

Antezana, Max 2019

"The Rhetoric of Immigration" in ideaFest Posters

Andrews, Erika 2019

"Dahlia Noire" in Toyon

Andre, John S. 2019

"Nitric oxide releasing poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) films using a fluorinated nitric oxide donor to greatly decrease chemical leaching" in Acta Biomaterialia

Andre, John S. 2019

"Understanding Molecular Structures of Buried Interfaces in Halide Perovskite Photovoltaic Devices Nondestructively with Sub‐Monolayer Sensitivity Using Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy" in Advanced Energy Materials

Anderson, Colin 2019

"Comparing abundance-based and tag-based estimates of coho salmon marine survival" in Fisheries Management and Ecology

Andersen, Malia 2019

"How Animals Saved My Life" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Anaya, Abel 2019

"Finding Home: Settling in Humboldt as an Undocumented Citizen" in Osprey

Ames, Ellery 2019

"Contracting asymptotics of the linearized lapse-scalar field sub-system of the Einstein-scalar field equations" in Journal of Mathematical Physics