Year | Publication |
1976 | "Field Descriptions and Laboratory Data for a Quaternary Soil Sequence in the Golden-Boulder Portion of the Colorado Piedmont" in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report |
1976 | "Preliminary Comments on Late Cenozoic Glaciations in the Sierra Nevada" in Quaternary Stratigraphy of North America |
1979 | |
1979 | |
1979 | |
1980 | "Soils and subsurface rock-weathering features of Sherwin and pre-Sherwin glacial deposits, eastern Sierra Nevada, California" in Geological Society of America Bulletin |
1982 | |
1984 | Chapter 1 "Holocene Glaciation in the Mountain Ranges of the western United States" in Late Quaternary Environments of the United States |
1987 | |
1987 | "Investigations of late Pleistocene and Holocene thrust faulting in coastal California north of Cape Mendocino" in Summaries of Technical Reports |
1988 | "Trenching investigations of northwestern California faults, Humboldt Bay region" in National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Final Report |
1988 | "Soil Catena Chronosequences on Eastern Sierra Nevada Moraines, California, U.S.A." in Arctic and Alpine Research |
1989 | "Active Convergent Tectonics in Northwestern California" in Geologic Evolution of the Northernmost Coast Ranges and Western Klamath Mountains, California |
1989 | |
1991 | "Distinguishing soils and surfaces in a carbonate-enriches desert chronosequence with TIMS" in Proceedings of Airborne Science Workshop |
1991 | "Test of thermoluminescence dating with coastal sediments from northern California" in Isotope Geoscience Section, Chemical Geology |
1992 | "Ground Water at Yucca Mountain, How high can it rise?: Final Report of the Panel on Coupled Hydrologic/Tectonic/Hydrothermal Systems at Yucca Mountain" in Board on Radioactive Waste Management |
1992 | |
1992 | "Late Cenozoic Deformation on the Cascadia Subduction Zone in the Region of the Mendocino Triple Junction" in Guidebook for the Field Trip to Northern Coastal California |
1992 | "Road Log from Patricks Point State Park to Bear River- Day 1 and 2" in Guidebook for the Field Trip to Northern Coastal California |
1996 | "Catalog and initial analyses of geological data related to middle and late Quaternary deposits, Cook Inlet, Alaska" in Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysics Surveys Report of Investigations |
1997 | "Paleoclimatic and paleotectonic features of Owens Valley" in Guidebook for the Pacific Cell Friends of the Pleistocene Field Trip to Owens Valley |
1998 | "Glacial and Paleoclimate Record of the Sierra Nevada, Bishop to Mono Lake" in Geology of the Southeastern Sierra Nevada - Revisited - A Guidebook Prepared for the National Association of Geoscience Teachers |
1999 | "Late Quarternary Stratigraphy and Holocene Faulting Along the Eastern Margin of the Steens Mountain, Southeastern Oregon" in Guidebook for the Pacific Cell Friends of the Pleistocene Field Conference Trip to the Alvord Desert |
1999 | "Eliot Blackwelder and the alpine glaciations of the Sierra Nevada" in Classic Cordilleran Concepts: A View from California |
2000 | "Paleoseismicity of the Alvord Fault, Steens Mountain, Southeastern Oregon" in Quaternary Geochronology: Methods and Applications |
2001 | "Slip rates on the Fish Springs fault, Owens Valley, California, deduced from cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al and soil development on fan surfaces" in Geological Society of America Bulletin |
2001 | "Paleo‐equilibrium line altitude estimates from late Quaternary glacial features in the Inland Kaikoura Range, South Island, New Zealand" in New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics |
2006 | "Last glacial maximum and Holocene lake levels of Owens Lake, eastern California, USA" in Quaternary Science Reviews |
2007 | |
2008 | "Late Pleistocene glaciers in Darhad Basin, northern Mongolia" in Quaternary Research |
2008 | "Late Quaternary glaciation in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan" in Quaternary Science Reviews |
2009 | |
2017 | |
2021 | "Middle and late Pleistocene pluvial history of Newark Valley, central Nevada, USA" in From Saline to Freshwater: The Diversity of Western Lakes in Space and Time |