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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1742
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Abbassi, Mina 2019

Ruined Columns” in The World "The way we saw it"

Abell, Jeffrey T. 2019

"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice

Aberson, Christopher L. 2019

"Friendships with Blacks Relate to Lessened Implicit Preferences for Whites Over Blacks" in Collabra: Psychology

Aberson, Christopher L. 2019

"Boobs & Breakers: Gender-Science Stereotypes Predict Implicit Attitudes Toward Women" in ideaFest Posters

Aberson, Christopher L. 2019

"Indirect effects of threat on the contact–prejudice relationship: A meta-analysis" in Social Psychology

Aberson, Christopher L. 2019

Pwr2ppl: Power Analysis for Common Designs (Power to the People)

Aberson, Christopher L. 2020

Does Women’s Anxious Jealousy Track Changes In Steroid Hormone Levels?” in Psychoneuroendocrinology

Abuan Ines, Rosebelle 2019

"Azalea State Reserve Vegetation Management Plan" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"A modeling framework to evaluate blending of seawater and treated wastewater streams for synergistic desalination and potable reuse" in Water Research

Ackerman, James D. 2019

"Land use legacy for a tropical myco-heterotroph: how spatial patterns of abundance, reproductive effort and success vary" in Journal of Plant Ecology

Adams, Mark D. O. 2019

"Traditional knowledge of fire-use by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs in the eastside Cascades of Oregon" in Forest Ecology and Management

Adhikari, Kushal 2020

"Pond-In-Pond: an alternative system for wastewater treatment for reuse" in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Adhikari, Ramesh 2020

Comovement In The Commodity Futures Markets: An Analysis Of The Energy, Grains and Livestock Sectors" in Journal of Commodity Markets

Adsit, Janelle 2019

Writing Intersectionality Identities: Keywords for Creative Writers

Adsit, Janelle 2019

Toward an Inclusive Creative Writing: Threshold Concepts to Guide the Literary Writing Curriculum

Afridi, Lillian 2019

"Pencil" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Aguilar, Aeryn 2019

 "Childhood and Trauma: The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Brain, Behavior, and Learning in the Elementary School Classroom" in Theses and projects

Aigner, Carrie J. 2019

"Physical activity, body mass index, and health status among youth with severe visual impairments aged 13–17 years in the United States" in Disability and Health Journal

Aigner, Carrie J. 2019

"Meeting the 24-hr movement guidelines: An update on US youth with autism spectrum disorder from the 2016 National Survey of Children's Health" in Autism Research

Aigner, Carrie J. 2019

"Prevalence of meeting physical activity, screen-time, and sleep guidelines among children and adolescents with and without visual impairments in the United States" in Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly

Aksionczyk, Shaun 2019

"The Nonverbal Communication of a Serial Killer" in ideaFest Poster

Albers, Mach 2019

"Taking my Morning Run was Scarier than I Thought." Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Alderson, Julie 2019

"Starting a Center for Teaching and Learning" in POD Speaks

Alexander, Nathan B. 2019

"Generalist dispersal and gene flow of an endangered keystone specialist (Dipodomys ingens)" in Journal of Mammalogy

Allen, Preston 2019

"DIY Art and Community Activism" in Theses and Projects