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Displaying 1751 - 1762 of 1762
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Johnson, Matthew D. 2013

"Avian Community Use and Occupancy of California Oak Savanna" in The Condor

Perry, Charles Hobart 2012

Chapter 9 "Patterns of soil calcium and aluminum across the conterminous United States" in Forest Health Monitoring: 2008 National Technical Report

Rock, Amy E. 2010

"Impact of Spatial Filtering on the Least cost Path Method: Selecting a high-Speed Rail Route for Ohio’s 3-c corridor" in International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research

Stock, Gregory M. 2004

"Pace of landscape evolution in the Sierra Nevada, California, revealed by cosmogenic dating of cave sediments" in Geology 

Mathis, Ryan L. 2001

"Historical changes in the abundance and distribution of the American avocet at the northern limit of its winter range" in Western Birds

Harris, Stanley W. 2001

"Historical changes in the abundance and distribution of the American avocet at the northern limit of its winter range" in Western Birds

Danufsky, Tamar 2001

"Historical changes in the abundance and distribution of the American avocet at the northern limit of its winter range" in Western Birds

Colwell, Mark A. 2001

"Historical changes in the abundance and distribution of the American avocet at the northern limit of its winter range" in Western Birds

Hassler, Thomas J. 1988

"Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Southwest)--California sea mussel and bay mussel" in US Fish and Wildlife Biological Report

Shaw, William N. 1988

"Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Southwest)--California sea mussel and bay mussel" in US Fish and Wildlife Biological Report

Largent, David L. 1976

"New Taxa of Boletes of Northwestern California" in Mycologia

Largent, David L. 1974

"Rhodophylloid Fungi of the Pacific Coast (United States) IV: Infrageneric Concepts in Entoloma, Nolanea, And Leptonia" in Mycologia