Weeden, Norman F. |
2019 |
"Garden Pea Pisum Sativum L. (Lathyrus Oleraceus Lamark)" in Reference Module in Life Sciences |
Wardman, Colin D. |
2019 |
"Metals recovery from wastewater by microbial electrochemical technologies" in Wastewater Treatment Residues as Resources for Biorefinery Products and Biofuels |
Sinnott, Aaron M. |
2020 |
"Sleep deprivation impairs affordance perception behavior during an action boundary accuracy assessment" in Acta Astronautica |
Andre, John S. |
2019 |
"Nitric oxide releasing poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) films using a fluorinated nitric oxide donor to greatly decrease chemical leaching" in Acta Biomaterialia |
Jackson, Randall David |
2019 |
"Are plant-soil dynamics different in pastures under organic management? A review" in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment |
Weller, Theodore J. |
2019 |
"Remnant trees increase bat activity and facilitate the use of vineyards by edge-space bats" in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment |
Jackson, Randall David |
2019 |
"Small soil C cycle responses to three years of cover crops in maize cropping systems" in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment |
Sinn, David |
2019 |
"On the importance of individual differences in behavioural skill" in Animal Behaviour |
Ergas, Sarina J. |
2019 |
"Oxidation of off flavor compounds in recirculating aquaculture systems using UV-TiO2 photocatalysis" in Aquaculture |
Parker, Linda A. |
2019 |
"A study of limbic brain derived neurotrophic factor gene expression in male Sprague-Dawley rats trained on a learned helplessness task" in Behavioural Brain Research |
Peery, M. Zachariah |
2019 |
"Trophic interactions mediate the response of predator populations to habitat change" in Biological Conservation |
Peery, M. Zachariah |
2019 |
"When protected areas produce source populations of overabundant species" in Biological Conservation |
Moore, Jeffrey E. |
2020 |
"Population survey showing hope for population recovery of the critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise" in Biological Conservation |
Cox, Gregory A. |
2020 |
"Overlapping spectrums: The clinicogenetic commonalities between Charcot-Marie-Tooth and other neurodegenerative diseases" in Brain Research |
Parker, Linda A. |
2020 |
"Sleep and neurochemical modulation by cannabidiolic acid methyl ester in rats" in Brain Research Bulletin |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2019 |
"Applicability of Spray Polyurethane Foam Ventilation Guideline for Do-It-Yourself Application Events" in Building and Environment |
Vernon, David R. |
2020 |
"Ventilation rates in California classrooms: Why many recent HVAC retrofits are not delivering sufficient ventilation" in Building and Environment |
Martinez, Michael |
2019 |
"Driving Neuronal Differentiation through Reversal of an ERK1/2-miR-124-SOX9 Axis Abrogates Glioblastoma Aggressiveness" in Cell Reports |
Carey, Clayton M. |
2019 |
"Recurrent Loss-of-Function Mutations Reveal Costs to OAS1 Antiviral Activity in Primates" in Cell Host & Microbe |
Marín-Jarrín, José R. |
2019 |
"Mangroves in the Galapagos: Ecosystem services and their valuation" in Ecological Economics |
Peery, M. Zachariah |
2019 |
"Detecting small changes in populations at landscape scales: a bioacoustic site-occupancy framework" in Ecological Indicators |
Waite, Ian R. |
2020 |
"Assessment of multi-stressors on compositional turnover of diatom, invertebrate and fish assemblages along an urban gradient in Pacific Northwest streams (USA)" in Ecological Indicators |
Perryman, Holly Ann |
2019 |
"Calibrating process-based marine ecosystem models: An example case using Atlantis" in Ecological Modelling |
Varner, J. Morgan |
2019 |
"Modelling post-fire tree mortality: Can random forest improve discrimination of imbalanced data?" in Ecological Modelling |
Perryman, Holly Ann |
2020 |
"A revised diet matrix to improve the parameterization of a West Florida Shelf Ecopath model for understanding harmful algal bloom impacts" in Ecological Modelling |