Reynolds, William M. |
2018 |
"Psychometric Characteristics of the Demoralization Scale in College Students" in ideaFest Poster |
Shlanta, Korinza |
2018 |
"Early History of Toyon" in ideaFest Poster |
O'Connell, Lily |
2018 |
"What does China’s Economic Influence in Latin America and Africa Mean for its Rise in Global Power?" in ideaFest Poster |
du Bois, Haley |
2018 |
"Single-cell transcriptomics of 20 mouse organs creates a Tabula Muris" in Nature |
Varner, J. Morgan |
2018 |
"Age and stand structure of oak woodlands along a gradient of conifer encroachment in northwestern California" in Ecosphere |
McIver, William R. |
2018 |
"Avian and Skunk Predation of Ashy Storm-Petrels at Santa Cruz Island, California" in Western North American Naturalist |
Madurapperuma, Buddhika |
2018 |
"Post-fire Seedling Recruitment in the 2008 Siskiyou Complex Fire" in ideaFest Poster |
Angela, Guadalupe |
2018 |
Zarpamos, antología personal |
Sherriff, Rosemary L. |
2018 |
"Thinning, tree-growth, and resistance to multi-year drought in a mixed-conifer forest of northern California" in Forest Ecology and Management
Wang, Yijin |
2018 |
"Remote Sensing Approach to Detect Burn Severity Risk Zones in Palo Verde National Park, Costa Rica" in Remote Sensing
Graham, Nicholas |
2018 |
"Every Body Humboldt" in ideaFest Poster |
Kwon, Young Sub |
2018 |
"Free Weight Bench Press Muscular Fitness Normative Data for Adults Aged 20-29 Years" in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise |
Bjorkstedt, Eric P. |
2018 |
"Massive Mortality of a Planktivorous Seabird in Response to a Marine Heatwave" in Geophysical Research Letters |
Milligan, Megan C. |
2018 |
"Bird community response to landscape and foliage arthropod variables in sun coffee of central Kenyan highlands" in Global Ecology and Conservation |
Smith, Jessica |
2018 |
"Oh my God. I am the highest I have ever been: User Experiences with Cannabis Edibles" in ideaFest Posters |
Smith, Wyatt |
2018 |
"Evaluating Socioeconomic Dimensions for a Resilient Shellfish Mariculture Industry in Humboldt Bay: Assessing the Strengths, Vulnerabilities, and Potential of Humboldt's Expanding Industry" in Theses and Projects |
Patrick, Caleb |
2018 |
"Technical feasibility and life cycle cost assessment of a photovoltaic array on Trinity Dam, Trinity County, CA" in Theses and Projects |
Han, Han-Sup |
2018 |
"Strategies for Reducing Moisture Content in Forest Residues at the Harvest Site" in Applied Engineering in Agriculture |
Braje, Todd J. |
2018 |
"Horizon Scanning: Survey and Research Priorities for Cultural, Historical, and Paleobiological Resources of Santa Cruz Island, California" in Western North American Naturalist |
Ortiz, Nicholas |
2018 |
"Deconstructing political morale: The development of the political demoralization scale" in ideaFest Poster |
Roldan, Jonathan |
2018 |
"3-Dimensional Modeling of DH2GC Archeological Sites" in ideaFest Poster |
Ames, Gregory |
2018 |
"Species’ traits do not converge on optimum values in preferred habitats" in Oecologia |
Laird, Aldaron |
2018 |
"Humboldt Bay Area Plan Communities at Risk Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment" in Local Reports and Publications |
Adams, Mark D. O. |
2018 |
"Environmental Justice and U. S. Forest Service hazardous fuels reduction: a spatial method for impact assessment of federal resource management actions" in Applied Geography |
Malloy, Kerri J. |
2018 |
"Review of Law In and As Culture: Intellectual Property, Minority Rights and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples" in Human Rights Review |