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Displaying 151 - 175 of 1355
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Chaudhury, Sarita Ray 2017

"I am What I Measure: 'Lifelogging' To Reflect on the Challenges of Consumer Behavior in a MBA Marketing Seminar Assignment" in Marketing Management Association Fall Educator's Conference

Silvaggio, Anthony 2017

"Standardized Regulatory Impact Assessment for proposed regulations on medical cannabis manufacturers" in California Department of Public Health

Earle, Katharine 2017

"Restoration of attentional deficits after concussion" in Theses and Projects

Corigliano, Stephanie 2017

"Book Review: Teaching Interreligious Encounters" in Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies

Mah, Christopher L. 2017

"Overview of the Ferdina-like Goniasteridae (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) including a new subfamily, three new genera and fourteen new species" in Zootaxa

Levy, Laura B. 2017

"Contrasting evidence of Holocene ice margin retreat, south‐western Greenland" in Journal of Quaternary Science

Conley, Amy K. 2017

Teachers, Mindset, Motivation, and Mastery: Research Translated to K-12 Practice

Jackson Reed, Jason J. 2017

"Evaluating the Effects of a Fish-Free Diet Versus a Commercial Sturgeon Diet" in INRSEP Research Poster

Grabinski-Parker, Zawisza S. 2017

"Controls of reburn severity vary with fire interval in the Klamath Mountains, California, USA" in Ecosphere

Wiegardt, Andrew K. 2017

"Bottom-up processes influence the demography and life-cycle phenology of Hawaiian bird communities" in Ecology

Grochau-Wright, Zachariah 2017

"Evolution of Individuality: A Case Study in the Volvocine Green Algae" in Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology

Baughman, Jaclyn 2017

"Influence of radiation damage on titanite He diffusion kinetics" in Cheochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Karadjova, Katia G. 2017

"Searching as Strategic Exploration: How Well Do Faculty Know Their Students Opinions Regarding Information Sources?" in Information Literacy: Key to an Inclusive Society

Curtis, Jennifer A. 2017

"Geothermal implications of a refined composition-age geologic map for the volcanic terrains of Southeast Oregon, Northeast California, and Southwest Idaho, USA" in Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council


Smith, James P. 2017

"Useful Plants – Ethnobotanical Studies: A Bibliography" in Botanical Studies OER

Eschker, Erick 2017

"Medical Manufactured Cannabis" in Standardized Regulatory Impact Assessment for the California Department of Public Health

Johnson, Jeremy S. 2017

"Novel Tests of Gravity Below Fifty Microns" in INRSEP Research Poster

Lodwick, Erin 2017

"The effects of a concussion on dynamic stability and cognitive performance during single and dual task tandem gait" in Theses and Projects

Kreye, Jesse K. 2017

"Fires without tanoak: the effects of a non-native disease on future community flammability" in Biological Invasions

Dengler, Lori A. 2017

"Not My Fault: The Cascadia story chapter 2: sand and peat deposits" in Times-Standard

Howe, Tasha R. 2017

"International child abuse prevention: insights from ACT Raising Safe Kids" in Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Albrecht, Dawn 2017

"From Vulnerability to Resilience: Emergency Planning for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and their Service Providers in Humboldt County, California" in Theses and Projects

McCarthy, Luke 2017

"The Watchers of the Water" in Toyon

Wagner, Robert L. 2017

"Microbial community structure and soil pH correspond to methane production in Arctic Alaska soils" in Environmental Microbiology

Lopez Franco, Idette G. 2017

"I Raise My Voice: A Reflection" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos