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Displaying 26 - 50 of 1353
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Allen, Jack 2017

"Psychological consequences of genetic testing" in Theses and Projects

Allen, Stephen P. 2017

"A soft robotic exosuit improves walking in patients after stroke" in Science Tanslational Medicine

Almakhloog, Rawan 2017

"Students are Talking" in Check Out the Library

Alstone, Peter 2017

"Powering a Home with Just 25 Watts of Solar PV: Super-Efficient Appliances Can Enable Expanded Off-Grid Energy Service Using Small Solar Power Systems" in LBL Publications

Alstone, Peter 2017

"Demand Response Potential for California SubLAPs and Local Capacity Planning Areas: An Addendum to the 2025 California Demand Response Potential Study – Phase 2" in LBL Publications

Alstone, Peter 2018

"LED advances accelerate universal access to electric lighting" in Comptes Rendus Physique

Alvarez, Justin 2017

"Abundance, growth, and predation by non-native brown trout in the Trinity River, CA" in Theses and Projects

Alvey, Erin 2017

"Fire severity alters the distribution of pyrogenic carbon stocks across ecosystem pools in a Californian mixed-conifer forest" in JGR Biogeosciences

Ames, Ellery 2017

"A class of solutions to the Einstein equations with AVTD behavior in generalized wave gauges" in Journal of Geometry and Physics

Ames, Gregory 2017

"Intraspecific variability improves environmental matching, but does not increase ecological breadth along a wet-to-dry ecotone" in Oikos

Ames, Gregory 2017

"Trait space of rare plants in a fire-dependent ecosystem" in Conservation Biology

Ames, Gregory 2017

"Functional traits of the understory plant community of a pyrogenic longleaf pine forest across environmental gradients" in Ecology

Anderson, Elanor J. 2017

"Weight perception and weight loss behaviors: A comparison between adolescents with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder" in Theses and Projects

Anderson, Jeffrey K. 2017

"Tectonic land level changes and their contribution to sea-level rise, Humboldt Bay region, Northern California" in Local Reports and Publications

Anderson, Zack 2017

 "Binge" in Toyon

Andre, John S. 2017

"Plasma treatment effect on polymer buried interfacial structure and property" in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Andrew, Drew 2017

"Intro to iMovie" in Library Student Projects

Appel, Cara L. 2017

"Distribution of the North American Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) in Northern California" in Open Educational Resources

Appel, Cara L. 2017

"'Distribution of the North American Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) in Northern California" Appendix" in Research Data Sets

Appiah, Joseph Oduro 2017

"Comparing land change from shale gas infrastructure development in neighboring Utica and Marcellus regions, 2006-2015" in Journal of Land Use Science

Appiah, Joseph Oduro 2020

"Measuring forest change patterns from oil and gas land use dynamics in northeastern British Columbia, 1975 to 2017" in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Arbogast, Brian S. 2017

"Stable Isotope Analysis of Dietary Overlap between the Endangered Red Wolf and Sympatric Coyote in Northeastern North Carolina" in Southeastern Naturalist

Arbogast, Brian S. 2017

"Genetic data reveal a cryptic species of New World flying squirrel: Glaucomys oregonensis" in Journal of Mammalogy

Arbogast, Brian S. 2017

"Editor's Choice" in Journal of Mammalogy

Arbogast, Brian S. 2017

"The Return of the Unicorns: The Natural History and Conservation of the Greater One-horned Rhinoceros" in Journal of Mammalogy