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Displaying 26 - 50 of 1353
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Morgan, Kyle 2017

"HSU Press" in HSU unConference

Alvey, Erin 2017

"Fire severity alters the distribution of pyrogenic carbon stocks across ecosystem pools in a Californian mixed-conifer forest" in JGR Biogeosciences

Hansell, Dennis A. 2017

"Crustacean zooplankton release copious amounts of dissolved organic matter as taurine in the ocean" in Limnology and Oceanography

Deshmukh, Ranjit 2017

"Strategic siting and regional grid interconnections key to low-carbon futures in African countries" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Ames, Gregory 2017

"Intraspecific variability improves environmental matching, but does not increase ecological breadth along a wet-to-dry ecotone" in Oikos

Levy, Laura B. 2017

"Contrasting evidence of Holocene ice margin retreat, south‐western Greenland" in Journal of Quaternary Science

Johnson, Matthew D. 2017

"Connecting environmental engineers to the Klamath river via a placed based learning community" in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference

Madrid, Lupe 2017

"Boy and Girl and Neither :: Gender Nonconforming Oral History" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Stumpf, Tyler S. 2017

"Institutions and transaction costs in foreign-local hotel ventures: A grounded investigation in the developing Pacific"in Tourism Management

Crain, Benjamin J. 2017

"The Field Museum Field Guides: Plants of Dean's Woods Wildflower Garden" in Field Museum Field Guides

Vrtiak, Vanessa E. 2017

"Reintegration in a rural community: strengths, barriers, and recommendations for reentry in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects

Corro, Lucila Marie 2017

"Using Off-the-Shelf Technologies to Mass Manufacture Oral Vaccine Baits for Wildlife" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Peterson, Matthew L. 2017

"Decline in the Half-Pounder Life History among Trinity River, California, Steelhead" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Michalak, Melanie J. 2017

"Ground Based Application of Structure From Motion (SFM) to Quantify Gravel Storage in Response to Gravel Augmentation on a High Gradient, Mountainous Stream, with no Access to the Global Positioning System (GPS)" in 35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference Proceedings

Gautier, Brittany 2017

"Something Sacrilegious For Your Unsatisfying Abuse" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Kontos, Anthony P. 2017

"Concussion in Sport: Psychological Perspectives" in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology

Smith, James P. 2017

"Useful Plants – Ethnobotanical Studies: A Bibliography" in Botanical Studies OER

Bickel, Jenney 2017

"Electronic books or print books for increased reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition in third grade students" in Theses and Projects

Soerensen, Rigmor 2017

"Time Out! HSU athletics department misses the budgetary endzone" in Osprey

Takesue, Renee K. 2017

"Tracking riverborne sediment and contaminants in Commencement Bay, Washington, using geochemical signatures" in USGS Open-File Report

Dengler, Lori A. 2017

"The Great East Japan earthquake, 6 years later: Not over"  in Times-Standard

Kelsey, Harvey M. 2017

"Inter- and Intra-Site Variability of Coseismic Subsidence Estimates from Northern Humboldt Bay, California" in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Jansen, Lara Stephanie 2017

"Ecological impacts of dam diversions on the Upper Eel Mainstem" in Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting

Erwin, Joseph M. 2017

"Cholinergic innervation of the basal ganglia in humans and other anthropoid primates" in The Journal of Comparative Neurology

Braje, Todd J. 2017

"Finding the first Americans" in Science