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Displaying 76 - 100 of 1353
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Bauss, Cristina 2017

"Mapping Marijuana Cultivation Sites and Water Storage in the Redwood Creek Watershed, Southern Humboldt County" in The California Geographer

Meisel, Joshua S. 2017

"Hidden in Plain Sight: Cannabis Cultivation in the Emerald Triangle" in The California Geographer

Lee, Jonathan J. 2017

"California Soliperla Ricker, 1952 (Plecoptera: Peltoperlidae), distribution and taxonomic characters" in Illiesia

Lee, Jonathan J. 2017

"A compendium of distributional records for Oroperla barbara Needham, 1933 (Plecoptera: Perlodidae), with additional documentation of reproductive morphology and biology" in Illiesia

Hoyle, Charles D. 2017

"Novel Tests of Gravity at the Sub-millimeter Scale" in APS April Meeting

Hoyle, Charles D. 2017

"Novel Tests of Gravity Below Fifty Microns" in APS April Meeting

Peterson, Gary W. 2017

"The Vocational Meaning Survey (VMS): An Exploration of Importance in Current Work" in Career Planning and Adult Development Journal

Carter, David J. 2017

"Fading out Coal" in Bioenergy

Severy, Mark 2017

"Fading out Coal" in Bioenergy

Larripa, Kamila 2017

"A coupled model exploring the cardiovascular response to an acute inammation event" in 5th Annual Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering Proceedings

Gabriel, Mourad Wisam 2016

"Mortality Risks and Limits to Population Growth of Fishers" in The Journal of Wildlife Management

Gabriel, Mourad Wisam 2017

"Diversity of Rickettsiae in a rural community in northern California" in Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases

Gabriel, Mourad Wisam 2009

"Food habits of wild turkeys in national forests of northern California and central Oregon" in Western Birds

Gabriel, Mourad Wisam 2017

"An Ever-changing Ecological Battlefield: Marijuana cultivation and toxicant use in western forests" in The Wildlife Professional

Gabriel, Mourad Wisam 2008

"Pathogens associated with mesocarnivores sympatric with fishers in northwestern California" in Final Report to USFWS

Jones, Emily 2017

"The relative strength of an herbivore-induced seaweed defense varies with herbivore species" in Marine Ecology Progress Series

Carter, Harry R. 2019

"Changes in Breeding Population sizes of double-crested cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the Humboldt Bay Area, California, 1924-2017" in Marine Ornithology

Lane, Michelle D. 2017

"With a Little Help from Our Friends: How Social Entrepreneurship Ventures Change the World on a Shoestring" in American Journal of Management

Jirinec, Vitek 2017

"Twenty years later: an update to the birds of the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, Amazonas, Brazil" in Brazilian Journal of Ornithology

Bates, Diane C. 2017

"Creating an instrument to assess the professional formation of engineering students at the College of New Jersey (TCNJ)" in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings

Kelly, Erin Clover 2017

"All Lands Approaches to Fire Management in the Pacific West: A Typology" in Journal of Forestry

Karadjova, Katia G. 2017

"Arenas’ voice in exile: Can libraries and technology transcend banishment?" in Donde no habite el olvido

Marlow, Jennifer 2017

"Reimagining Relocation in a Regulatory Void: The Inadequacy of Existing US Federal and State Regulatory Responses to Kivalina’s Climate Displacement in the Alaskan Arctic" in Climate Law

Craig, Sean F. 2017

"Baseline monitoring of rocky reef and kelp forest habitats of the north coast study region" in Final Report

Jenkinson, Ryan S. 2017

"Baseline monitoring of rocky reef and kelp forest habitats of the north coast study region" in Final Report