First Name: Diane C.Last Name: BatesPublications: YearPublication 2000"Tropical deforestation literature: Geographical and historical patterns" in Unasylva 2000"The political ecology of conserving tropical rain forests: A cross-national analysis" in Society and Natural Resources 2002"Environmental refugees? Classifying human migrations caused by environmental change" in Population and Environment 2002"Ecologically Noble Amerindians?: Cattle Ranching and Cash Cropping among Shuar and Colonists in Ecuador" in Latin American Research Review 2002"A tropical forest transition? agricultural change, out-migration, and secondary forests in the ecuadorian amazon" in Annals of the Association of American Geographers 2004"Climbing the "agricultural ladder": Social mobility and motivations for migration in an Ecuadorian Colonist Community" in Rural Sociology 2006"How do poor, remote rural places get child care centers? Patriarchy, out-migration, and political opportunities in the Ecuadorian Amazon" in Human Organization 2007"The black bear hunt in New Jersey: A constructionist analysis of an intractable conflict" in Society and Animals 2007"The Barbecho Crisis, La Plaga del Banco, and International Migration: Structural adjustment in Ecuador's southern Amazon" in Latin American Perspectives 2012"TCNJ ADVANCE Program (TAP): Assessment and faculty development initiatives for fostering career advancement within a PUI environment" in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings 2014"Emerging gender parity and persistent differences: Cultural shifts among faculty cohorts at a primarily undergraduate institution" in Advances in Gender Research 2015Superstorm Sandy: The inevitable destruction and reconstruction of the Jersey Shore 2016"Recycling as a result of “cultural greening”?" in International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 2016"A study on the impact of multidisciplinary collaboration on computational thinking" in Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education 2017"Creating an instrument to assess the professional formation of engineering students at the College of New Jersey (TCNJ)" in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings 2019"Professional expectations and program climate affects the professional formation of engineers" in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings 2022"Gender, type of higher education institution, and faculty work-life integration in the United States" in Community, Work and Family 2022"A Project-Based Collaboration between Software Engineering and Criminology Students : Building Applications to Understand Racial Injustice in the Criminal Justice System" in International Conference on Software Engineering Proceedings