Deshmukh, Ranjit |
2016 |
"Preliminary Assessment of Renewable Energy Grid Integration in India: Insights for Power Sector Investment and Costs for Integrating 160GW of Renewable Energy from Grid Planning and Dispatch Analysis" in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Diémé, Joseph |
2019 |
Black French Women and the Struggle for Equality, 1848-2016 |
Diller, Lowell V. |
2016 |
"Demographic response of northern spotted owls to barred owl removal" in Journal of Wildlife Management |
Doane-Dixon, Rebecca |
2016 |
"Restoring competency to youth in the juvenile justice system in rural areas in northern California" in Theses and Projects |
Dockham, Andrea Sue |
2016 |
"Comparison of benthic invertebrate community structure and diet composition of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Dry Creek, California" in Theses and Projects |
Dodd, Annjanette M. |
2016 |
"Design Storm Temporal and Spatial Rainfall Distributions from Radar and Rain Gauge Data Analysis in Nevada" in World Environment and Water Resources Conference |
Donahue, Megan J. |
2016 |
"Satellite SST-Based Coral Disease Outbreak Predictions for the Hawaiian Archipelago" in Remote Sensing |
Donahue, Megan J. |
2016 |
"A Novel μCT Analysis Reveals Different Responses of Bioerosion and Secondary Accretion to Environmental Variability" in PLoS One |
Draeger, Brian |
2016 |
"Analysis of Vortex Pool-and-Chute Fishway" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research |
Drapeau, Blanca |
2016 |
"A Home for Lucille Vinyard's Lifework in Humboldt State University Library's Special Collections" in ideaFest Journal |
Drapeau, Blanca |
2016 |
"Lucille Vinyard Collection: Woman of Activism: Varying Views on Vinyard" in Library Student Projects |
Drapeau, Blanca |
2016 |
"Delivering HSU History to the Silicon Valley" in Check Out the Library |
Draper, David S. |
2016 |
"Silicic lunar volcanism: Testing the crustal melting model" in American Mineralogist |
Drobny, Peter |
2016 |
"Influence of body size, intra-and inter- specific salmonid densities, and habitat on overwinter survival of juvenile Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Prairie Creek, California" in Theses and Projects |
du Bois, Haley |
2017 |
"Genomic integration of the full-length dystrophin coding sequence in Duchenne muscular dystrophy induced pluripotent stem cells" in Biotechnology Journal |
Duffy, Walter G. |
2016 |
"Life History Diversity in Klamath River Steelhead" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Duffy, Walter G. |
2016 |
Chapter 31 "Wetlands" in Ecosystems of California |
Duffy, Walter G. |
2016 |
"Factors Influencing Nontarget Bird Occupancy of Restored Wetlands in California’s Central Valley" in Western Birds |
Dugaw, Christopher |
2017 |
"Patterns of Duff Ignition and Smoldering beneath Old Pinus palustris: Influence of Tree Proximity, Moisture Content, and Ignition Vectors" in Forest Science |
Dulava, Sharon |
2016 |
"Fine-scale change detection using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to inform reproductive biology in nesting Waterbirds" in Theses and Projects |
Dumouchel, Robert J. |
2016 |
"Shoreline Protection Options for Humboldt Bay" in Theses and Projects |
Duncan, Ronni |
2016 |
"Reducing risk and increasing health: effective policies and procedures for a community based harm reduction program in rural northern California" in Theses and Projects |
Dunk, Jeffrey R. |
2016 |
"Patterns of red tree vole distribution and habitat suitability: implications for surveys and conservation planning" in Ecosphere |
Dura, Tina |
2016 |
"The application of diatoms to reconstruct the history of subduction zone earthquakes and tsunamis" in Earth-Science Reviews |
Eberhart-Phillips-Hertel, Luke J. |
2016 |
"Spatial synchrony of a threatened shorebird: Regional roles of climate, dispersal and management" in Bird Conservation International |