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Displaying 1026 - 1050 of 1184
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Stormes, Kaitlyn N. 2016

"Advising support for students on academic probation" in Theses and Projects

Stubblefield, Andrew P. 2016

"Finding balance between fire hazard reduction and erosion control in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California–Nevada" in Forest Ecology and Management

Stubblefield, Andrew P. 2016

"Observations of channel change from constructed wood jams on a forested gravelbed stream" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Stubblefield, Andrew P. 2016

"Spatial and Temporal Variability in Baseflow in the Mattole River Headwaters, California, USA" in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Stubblefield, Andrew P. 2016

"Paired Watershed Study of Suspended Sediment Sources in a Watershed Undergoing Road-Building and Timber Harvest, Railroad Gulch, Coastal Northern California, USA" in AGU Fall Meeting

Stumpf, Tyler S. 2016

"Bridging the gap: grounded theory method, theory development, and sustainable tourism research" in Journal of Sustainable Tourism

Stumpf, Tyler S. 2016

"Institutional conformance and tourism performance: an efficiency analysis in developing Pacific Island countries" in Tourism Planning & Development

Sundberg, Angela 2016

"Recommendations for initial social services programs for Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria" in Theses and Projects

Sutliff, Donna J. 2016

"Lexical numbers and numeracy: A comment on Overmann 2015" in Current Anthropology

Szewczak, Joseph M. 2016

"Minimally invasive collection of adipose tissue facilitates the study of eco-physiology in small-bodied mammals" in Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Szykman Gunther, Micaela 2016

"Genome sequence, population history, and pelage genetics of the endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus)" in BMC genomics

Szykman Gunther, Micaela 2016

"Effects of high temperatures and sun exposure on Sherman trap internal temperatures" in Northwest Science

Takesue, Renee K. 2016

"Environmental and eelgrass response to dike removal: Nisqually River Delta (2010–14)" in USGS Open_File Report

Teale, Chelsea L 2016

"The Wetlands of New Netherland" in Hudson River Valley Review

Teasley, Rebecca L. 2016

"Integrating urban recharge uncertainty into standard groundwater modeling practice: A case study on water main break predictions for the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Austin, Texas" in AGU Fall Meeting

Tepley, Alan J. 2016

"Fire–vegetation feedbacks and alternative states: common mechanisms of temperate forest vulnerability to fire in southern South America and New Zealand" in New Zealand Journal of Botany

Tepley, Alan J. 2016

"Positive Feedbacks to Fire-Driven Deforestation Following Human Colonization of the South Island of New Zealand" in Ecosystems

Tepley, Alan J. 2016

"Patterns of tree mortality in a temperate deciduous forest derived from a large forest dynamics plot" in Ecosphere

Theriault, Austin 2016

"Shoreline Protection Options for Humboldt Bay" in Theses and Projects

Thobaben, Arianna Maya 2016

"News from the Lower Library: Learning Center Shocases Alumni" in Check Out the Library

Thompson, Ian 2016

"A Dog's Life: Waiting to find a home" in Osprey

Thompson, Robert 2016

"Humboldt's Queer Community Rocks!" in Osprey

Thornburg, Mo Lee 2016

"Knot Stressed, Knitting! Managing stress with the help of Knitting" in Osprey

Till, Claire P. 2016

"Scandium in the open ocean: A comparison with other group 3 trivalent metals" in Geophysical Research Letters

Till, Claire P. 2016

"Structural Characterization of Natural Nickel and Copper Binding Ligands along the US GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect" in Frontiers in Marine Science