First Name: William M.Last Name: ReynoldsPublications: YearPublication 1976"Recent Research trends in Testing" in Journal of Personality Assessment 1978"A question as to the validity of the Verbal Scale IQ as a WAIS short form" in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1978"Review of Challenges in Mental Retardation" in Journal of Personality Assessment 1978"Toward assessment of personal competence and incompetence in life situations" in Annual Review of Psychology 1979"A caution against the use of the Slosson Intelligence Test in the diagnosis of mental retardation" in Psychology in the Schools 1980"Self-esteem and classroom behavior in elementary school children" in Psychology in the Schools 1981"A psychometric investigation of the standard and short form Beck Depression Inventory" in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1982"Development of reliable and valid short forms of the marlowe-crowne social desirability scale" in Journal of Clinical Psychology 1985"Depression and learned helplessness in mentally retarded and nonmentally retarded adolescents: An initial investigation" in Applied Research in Mental Retardation 1986"A Comparison of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Relaxation Training for the Treatment of Depression in Adolescents" in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1986"Depression and self-esteem in academically gifted and nongifted children: A comparison study" in Journal of School Psychology 1988"Convergent and Discriminant Validation of a Measure of Social Self-Concept" in Journal of Personality Assessment 1988"Measurement of Academic Self-Concept in College Students" in Journal of Personality Assessment 1989"Assessment of Adolescents' Learned Helplessness in Achievement Situations" in Journal of Personality Assessment 1990"Review of Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Children in Schools" in School Psychology Quarterly 1990"Depression in Children and Adolescents: Nature, Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment" in School Psychology Review 1990"Development of a Semistructured Clinical Interview for Suicidal Behaviors in Adolescents" in Psychological Assessment 1991"Psychometric Characteristics of the Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire in College Students" in Journal of Personality Assessment 1991"A school-based procedure for the identification of adolescents at risk for suicidal behaviors" in Family & Community Health 1992Internalizing Disorders in Children and Adolescents 1993"Development and Validation of a Computer-Administered Version of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale" in Psychological assessment 1994Handbook of Depression in Children and Adolescents 1994"Computerized and Clinician Assessment of Depression and Anxiety: Respondent Evaluation and Satisfaction" in Journal of Personality Assessment 1995"Reliability and Validity of the Hamilton Depression Inventory: A Paper-and-Pencil Version of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale Clinical Interview" in Psychological assessment 1998"A Longitudinal Investigation of Depression, Hopelessness, Social Support, and Major and Minor Life Events and Their Relation to Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents" in Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 1998"Reliability and Validity of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale with Young Adolescents" in Journal of School Psychology 1999"Exposure to Violence in young inner-city adolescents : Relationships with suicidal ideation, depression, and PTSD symptomatology" in Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 1999"Assessment of Suicidal Ideation in Inner-City Children and Young Adolescents: Reliability and Validity of the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire-JR" in School psychology review 2001"An Investigation of Psychopathology in Nonreferred Suicidal and Nonsuicidal Adolescents" in Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 2003"Future Perspectives in Educational Psychology" in Handbook of Psychology 2003"Current Perspectives in Educational Psychology" in Handbook of Psychology 2005"An Investigation of Psychopathology in Nonreferred Suicidal and Nonsuicidal Adolescents" in Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 2006"Depression" in Clinician's Handbook of Child Behavioral Assessment 2009"Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale – Second Edition: initial validation of the Korean version" in JAN 2010"Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale" in The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology 2012"Suicide risk in youth with intellectual disabilities: The challenges of screening" in Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 2012"Future Perspectives in Educational Psychology" in Handbook of Psychology 2012"Educational Psychology: Contemporary Perspectives" in Handbook of Psychology 2013Handbook of Psychology, Vol 7: Educational Psychology 2013"Examining the relationship of perfectionism, depression, and optimism: Testing for mediation and moderation" in Personality and Individual Differences 2016"Development, reliability, and validity of the Moral Identity Questionnaire" in Personality and Individual Differences 2018"Psychometric Characteristics of the Demoralization Scale in College Students" in ideaFest Poster