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Displaying 851 - 875 of 1083
Author Year Publications
Roy, Austin 2017

"Prevalence and potential impact of toxoplasma gondii on the endangered amargosa vole (microtus californicus scirpensis), California, USA" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Ruiz Gonzalez, Marisol 2015

"Why are the Spanish Speakers in the Back of the Room in a Dual Immersion Setting?" in Immigration and schooling: Redefining the 21st century America

Ruiz Gonzalez, Marisol 2015

"Literacy: An Asset Based Approach" in ideaFest Poster

Ruiz Gonzalez, Marisol 2015

"Critical Multicultural Literacy for Social Justice" in ideaFest Poster

Ruso, Gabrielle 2015

"Natural History and Basking Habits of Western Pond Turtles" in ideaFest Poster

Ryan, Desiree 2015

"Development and Validation of the Humboldt Idealism Questionnaire" in ideaFest Poster

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2015

"Quantitative color variation within and across morphs of the polymorphic White-throated Sparrow" in The Auk

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2015

"How acoustic signals scale with individual body size: common trends across diverse taxa" in Behavioral Ecology

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2015

"Expression of Multiple Sexual Signals by Fathers and Sons in the East-Mediterranean Barn Swallow: Are Advertising Strategies Heritable?" in PLoS ONE

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2015

"Quantitative genetics of plumage color: lifetime effects of early nest environment on a colorful sexual signal" in Ecology and Evolution

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2015

"Performance of Encounternet Tags: Field Tests of Miniaturized Proximity Loggers for Use on Small Birds" in PLoS ONE

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2015

"Multimodal signalling in the North American barn swallow: a phenotype network approach" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2015

"Parents respond in sex-specific and dynamic ways to nestling ectoparasites" in Animal Behaviour

Sahara, E. April 2015

"Quantifying habitat loss: Assessing tree encroachment into a serpentine savanna using dendroecology and remote sensing" in Forest Ecology and Management

Sanchez, Jessica N. 2015

"Spatial ecology of invasive feral cats on San Clemente Island: implications for control and management" in Journal of Mammalogy

Sanchez, Tiffany D. 2015

"Mastering the role of a school psychologist and beyond: practicing the ten domains of school psychology in a large diverse urban school district while working with local, state, and national organizations to advocate for the rights of LGBTQ youth" in Theses and Projects

Sandoval, Edward 2015

"Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin Nanodiscs to Probe Transcriptional Regulation" in ideaFest Poster

Sato, Yuko 2015

"Identification of Selective Inhibitors of the Plasmodium falciparum Hexose Transporter PfHT by Screening Focused Libraries of Anti-Malarial Compounds" in PLOS ONE

Sauvage, Rachel 2015

"Literacy: An Asset Based Approach" in ideaFest Poster

Sauvage, Rachel 2015

"Critical Multicultural Literacy for Social Justice" in ideaFest Poster

Schanes, Paula 2015

"DDX3Y gene rescue of a y chromosome AZFa deletion restores germ cell formation and transcriptional programs" in Scientific Reports

Schiebelhut, Kris Josh 2015

"Freshwater Farms Reserve Nature Trails Public Access and Sea Level Rise Recommendations" in Theses and Projects

Schmelzle, Molly C. 2015

"Using occupancy modeling to compare environmental DNA to traditional field methods for regional-scale monitoring of an endangered aquatic species" in Theses and Projects

Schmelzle, Molly C. 2015

"Using occupancy modelling to compare environmental DNA to traditional field methods for regional-scale monitoring of an endangered aquatic species" in Molecular Ecology Resources

Schmitz, Marissa B. 2015

"Analyzing access to California’s regulatory forest offset market" in Theses and Projects