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Displaying 76 - 100 of 1083
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Larson, Mark A. 2015

"Review of Photojournalists on War: The Untold Stories From Iraq" in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly

Perez, Crystal 2015

"Vehicle-assissted access to public nature trail: a needs assessment for older adult residents of Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects

Barton, Samantha 2015

"California Assembly Bill 32: GHG Cap and Trade Program" in ideaFest Poster

Silber-Coats, Zachary 2015

"Integrated Modeling of Drought-Impacted Areas using Remote Sensing and Microenvironmental Data in California" in AGU Fall Meeting

Marschke, Benjamin 2015

A Companion to German Pietism, 1660-1800

Reveley, Colleen Ann 2015

"Links between adults' attachment styles and their reactions to an induced stressor" in Theses and Projects

Schmitz, Marissa B. 2015

"Analyzing access to California’s regulatory forest offset market" in Theses and Projects

Conover-Williams, Meredith 2015

"Making of a Monster: Media Constructions of Transgender Victims of Homicide" in ideaFest Poster

Deshmukh, Ranjit 2015

"Estimation of Potential and Value of Demand Response for Industrial and Commercial Consumers in Delhi" in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Fusek, Adrienne 2015

"Effects of an International Experience Requirement, Year in School, and Preferred Program Duration on Student Interest in Study Abroad" in Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad

Hahn, Amanda C. 2015

"Mate choice, mate preference, and biological markets: the relationship between partner choice and health preference is modulated by women's own attractiveness" in Evolution and Human Behavior

Moore, Jeffrey E. 2015

"Estimating Limit Reference Points for Western Pacific Leatherback Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the U.S. West Coast EEZ" in PLoS One

Gonzalez, Wendy C. 2015

"Humboldt State University social work webpage: bilingual resources for social work students" in Theses and Projects

Powell, Ashley 2015

"Substitute caregiver community needs assessment" in Theses and Projects

Campbell, Ryan K. 2015

"The WISE Light Curves of Polars" in The Astrophysical Journal Supplemental Series

Berrill, John-Pascal 2015

"Spatial Variation in Dominant Height and Basal Area Development in a Coast Redwood Forest: Implications for Inventory and Modeling" in Journal of Biodiversity Management & Forestry

Knight, Jacob 2015

"The evolution of audience in composition theories and practices" in Theses and Projects

Flynn, Patrick 2015

"Big Lagoon Estates Area of Deferred Certification North Coast Area Plan Humboldt County Local Coastal Program Proposed Amendment Recommendation" in Theses and Projects

Vazquez, Edwin J. 2015

"Three Decades Later: The Life Experiences and Mid-Life Functioning of 1980s Heavy Metal Groupies, Musicians, and Fans" in Self and Identity

Sonntag, Selma K. 2015

"The Violence of Linguistic Cosmopolitanism" in The Weight of Violence: Religion, Language, Politics

Fikes, Aren 2015

"Green Dreams" in Osprey

Beer, Christopher Todd 2015

"Expansive and Complex Pathways to World Society" in Sociological Perspectives

Arroyo, Francine A. 2015

"Isolation and Characterization of Novel Iron-oxidizing Autotrophic and Mixotrophic Bacteria from Boiling Springs Lake, an Oligotrophic, Acidic Geothermal Habitat" in Geomicrobiology Journal

Werren, Bryn 2015

"Peoples’ rights as defined by law in California, abuse prevention, and mandated reporting pertaining to dependent adults and service providers training" in Theses and Projects

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2015

"California's marine fisheries: tradeoffs in transition" in Ecosystems of California