Ballinger, Brad J. |
2015 |
"Minimum forcing sets for Miura folding patterns" in Proceedings of SODA '15 |
Largent, David L. |
2015 |
"Entoloma species from New South Wales and northeastern Queensland, Australia" in Mycotaxon |
Franklin, Alan B. |
2015 |
"When fur and feather occur together: Interclass transmission of avian influenza A virus from mammals to birds through common resources" in Nature |
Ramirez, Janette |
2015 |
"Critical Multicultural Literacy for Social Justice" in ideaFest Poster |
Ergas, Sarina J. |
2015 |
"Performance and Longevity of Denitrifying Wood-Chip Biofilters for Stormwater Treatment: A Microcosm Study" in Environmental Engineering Science |
Sillett, Stephen C. |
2015 |
"Growth maximization trumps maintenance of leaf conductance in the tallest angiosperm" in Oecologia |
Glebocki, Radoslaw |
2015 |
"Fuel loading and moisture dynamics in thinned coast redwood – Douglas-fir forests in Headwaters Forest Reserve, California" in Theses and Projects |
Steinberg, Steven J. |
2015 |
GIS Research Methods: Incorporating Spatial Perspectives |
Koscielak, Kathleen |
2015 |
"If These Walls Could Talk: Graffiti, Place, & Culture in Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal, México" in Theses and Projects |
Hansell, Dennis A. |
2015 |
"Microbial community composition and nitrogen availability influence DOC remineralization in the South Pacific Gyre" in Marine Chemistry |
Hahn, Laura K. |
2015 |
“Freegans and Dumpster Diving” in Encyclopedia of Food Issues |
Betts, Amy R. |
2015 |
"Common core is here – now what?" in Theses and Projects |
Fulgham, Kenneth O. |
2015 |
"Post-fire vegetation dynamics of a sagebrush steppe community change significantly over time" in California Agriculture |
Anderson, Jeffrey K. |
2015 |
"Humboldt Bay: Sea Level Rise, Hydrodynamic Modeling, and Inundation Vulnerability Mapping Final Report" in Local Reports and Publications |
Marlow, Jennifer |
2015 |
"Frontline Communities Are Making the Post-climate World" in Creative Time Reports |
Keyes, Christopher R. |
2015 |
"Montana logging machine rates" in International Journal of Forest Engineering |
Olvera, Michael |
2015 |
"Engineering the S-Layer Protein RsaA in Caulobacter vibrioides for Heavy Metal Bioremediation" in ideaFest Poster |
Kalinowski, Ryan |
2015 |
"Who’s watching influences caching effort in wild Steller’s jays (Cyanocitta stelleri)" in Animal Cognition |
Ofodu, Meniru |
2015 |
"What is poverty and its impact on homelessness in the United States?" in Theses and Projects |
Sowle, Jennifer |
2015 |
The Hikum: A Fantasy with Adventure, Animals and Magic (The Animal Guild Book 6) |
Bense-Kang, Delia |
2015 |
"Freshwater Farms Reserve Nature Trails Public Access and Sea Level Rise Recommendations" in Theses and Projects |
Harmon, Christopher |
2015 |
“Investigations of Water Uptake on Sodium Acetate Trihydrate And Nonhydrate as Model Aerosol Surfaces Using the DRIFTS and ATR-FTIR Techniques” in Proceedings of the National Conference for Undergraduate Research |
Brokaw, Alyson Frances |
2015 |
"Assessing the use of social calls to attract bats to artificial roost sites" in Theses and Projects |
Deshmukh, Ranjit |
2015 |
"Characterization and Effectiveness of Technologies for India's Electric Grid Reliability and Energy Security" in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Carro, Lina |
2015 |
"How Our Services can Help YOU" in Check Out the Library |