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Author | Year | Publications |
Zhong, Jianmin | 2014 |
"Ixodes pacificus ticks maintain embryogenesis and egg hatching after antibiotic treatment of Rickettsia endosymbiont" in PloS ONE |
Zipper, Stephen A. | 2014 |
"Use of riparian wetlands by larval Lost River, shortnose, and Klamath largescale suckers in the Sprague River, Oregon" in Theses and Projects |
Zirpoli, Jeffrey A. | 2014 |
"Steller sex: Infidelity and sexual selection in a social corvid (Cyanocitta stelleri)" in PLoS ONE |
Zoellick, James | 2014 |
"Upstate Plug-in Electric Vehicle Readiness Project" in Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program Final Project Report |
Zuber, David P. | 2014 |
An American Indian's Encounter with the 1930's Judicial System |