First Name: Brian N.Last Name: TissotPublications: YearPublication 1978"Geochemical study of the Uinta Basin: formation of petroleum from the Green River formation" in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1979"Effects on prolific petroleum source rocks and major coal deposits caused by sea-level changes" in Nature 1980"Organic Geochemistry of Margin Sediments and Its Significance for Hydrocarbon Generation" in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1988"Morphological variation along intertidal gradients in a population of black abalone Haliotis cracherodii Leach 1814" in Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 1988"Geographic Variation and Heterochrony in Two Species of Cowries (Genus Cypraea)" in Evolution 1992"Fish-habitat associations on a deep reef at the edge of the Oregon continental shelf" in Fisheries Bulletin 1993"Measurement of Significant Marine Paleotemperature Variation Using Black Abalone Shells from Prehistoric Middens" in Quaternary Research 1993"World Gas Supplies for the Future: Questions and Answers" in Energy Exploration & Exploitation 1996"Comparison of submersible-survey and hydroacoustic-survey estimates of fish density on a rocky bank" in Fisheries Bulletin 2002"Integration of submersible transect data and high-resolution multibeam sonar imagery for a habitat-based groundfish assessment of Heceta Bank, Oregon" in Fisheries Bulletin 2003"Effects of Aquarium Collectors on Coral Reef Fishes in Kona, Hawaii" in Conservation Biology 2004"Development of Benthic Sampling Methods for the Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (CRAMP) in Hawai'i" in Pacific Science 2004"Quantitative benthic habitat characterization at Heceta Bank, Oregon" in The Journal of the Acoustical Scoiety of America 2004"Evaluating Effectiveness of a Marine Protected Area Network in West Hawai'i to Increase Productivity of an Aquarium Fishery" in Pacific Science 2004"Competing Perspectives in Resource Protection: The Case of Marine Protected Areas in West Hawai‘i" in Society & Natural Resources 2006"Benthic invertebrates that form habitat on deep banks off southern California, with special reference to deep sea coral" in Fisheries Bulletin 2006"Impact of observers’ experience level on counts of fishes in underwater visual surveys" in Marine Ecology Progress Series 2007"Habitat-based submersible assessment of macro-invertebrate and groundfish assemblages at Heceta Bank, Oregon, from 1988 to 1990" in Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2007"A quantitative approach for using multibeam sonar data to map benthic habitats" in Geological Association of Canada 2007"Comparison of trawled vs untrawled mud seafloor assemblages of fishes and macroinvertebrates at Coquille Bank, Oregon" in Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2008"Ontogenetic patterns of habitat use by reef-fish in a Marine Protected Area network: a multi-scaled remote sensing and in situ approach" in Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009"Hawaiian Islands Marine Ecosystem Case Study: Ecosystem- and Community-Based Management in Hawaii" in Coastal Management 2009"Tropical Marine EBM Feasibility: A Synthesis of Case Studies and Comparative Analyses" in Coastal Management 2009"Impacts of a Hawaiian marine protected area network on the abundance and fishery sustainability of the yellow tang, Zebrasoma flavescens" in Biological Conservation 2010"How U.S. ocean policy and market power can reform the coral reef wildlife trade" in Marine Policy 2010"Overall Status and Threats Assessment of Black Abalone (Haliotis Cracherodii Leach, 1814) Populations in California" in Journal of Shellfish Research 2010"Larval Connectivity in an Effective Network of Marine Protected Areas" in PLoS One 2011"NETWORKS – The assessment of marine reserve networks: guidelines for ecological evaluation" in Marine Protected Areas : A Multidisciplinary Approach 2011"Fisher behaviour influences catch productivity and selectivity in West Hawaii's aquarium fishery" in ICES Journal of Marine Science 2012"Influences of oceanographic and meteorological features on reef fish recruitment in Hawai’i" in Marine Ecology Progress Series 2012"Evaluating ontogenetic patterns of habitat use by reef fish in relation to the effectiveness of marine protected areas in West Hawaii" in Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2013"Socioeconomic consequences of fishing displacement from marine protected areas in Hawaii" in Biological Conservation 2013"Evaluating marine protected areas for managing marine resource conflict in Hawaii" in Marine Policy 2014"Understanding the Scale of Marine Protection in Hawai‘i: from Community-Based Management to the Remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands" in Advances in Marine Biology 2014"Marine Protected Area Networks: Assessing Whether The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts" in Plos ONE 2014"Current Trends in the Analysis of Co-Management Arrangements in Coral Reef Ecosystems: a Social–ecological Systems Perspective" in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2014"Caught In The Act: How The U.S. Lacey Act Can Hamper The Fight Against Cyanide Fishing In Tropical Coral Reefs" in Conservation Letters 2015"Abalone Without Holes: A Photo Iconography and Study of a Rare Morphological Variant of Haliotis (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda)" in The Festivus 2015"The effects of venting and decompression on Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) in the marine ornamental aquarium fish trade" in PeerJ 2017"Trophic designation and live coral cover predict changes in reef-fish community structure along a shallow to mesophotic gradient in Hawaii" in Coral Reefs 2020"Building bridges not walls: The past, present, and future of international collaboration and research in northwest Mexico" in Ciencias Marinas 2022"A Unique 100 Meter Underwater Survey Method Documents Changes in Abundance, Richness, and Community Structure of Hawaiʹi Reef Fishes" in Frontiers in Marine Science 2024"Monitoring and Evaluation of Kelp Forest Ecosystems in the MLPA Marine Protected Area Network" in California Ocean Protection Council Data Repository