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Displaying 951 - 975 of 980
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Wisheropp, Evan 2014

"Scenario Planning for Building Coastal Resilience in the Face of Sea Level Rise: The Case of Jacobs Avenue, Eureka, CA" in Theses and Projects

Witmore, Shari K. 2014

"Seasonal growth, retention, and movement of juvenile coho salmon in natural and constructed habitats of the mid-Klamath River" in Theses and Projects

Woglom, James F. 2014

"Dangerous Conversations: Persistent Tensions in Teacher Education" in Phi Delta Kappan

Wolfe, Gordon V. 2015

"Isolation and Characterization of Novel Iron-oxidizing Autotrophic and Mixotrophic Bacteria from Boiling Springs Lake, an Oligotrophic, Acidic Geothermal Habitat" in Geomicrobiology Journal

Wolfe, Jared D. 2014

"Review of Birds of the Sierra Nevada: Their Natural History, Status, and Distribution" in Journal of Field Ornithology

Wolfe, Jared D. 2014

"Do Birds Select Habitat Or Food Resources? Nearctic-Neotropic Migrants In Northeastern Costa Rica" in Plos ONE

Wolfe, Jared D. 2014

"New record of Connecticut Warbler (Oporornis agilis) in Central Amazonian Brazil" in Cotinga

Wolfe, Jared D. 2014

"Thamnophilidae (antbird) molt strategies in a central Amazonian rainforest" in Wilson Journal of Ornithology

Wolfe, Jared D. 2014

"Searching for consensus in molt terminology 11 years Howell et al.’s 'first basic problem'" in Auk

Wolfe, Jared D. 2014

"Variation in tropical bird survival across longitude and guilds: a case study from the Amazon" in Oikos

Wolfe, Jared D. 2014

"Decay of interspecific avian flock networks along a disturbance gradient in Amazonia" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Wrenn, George 2014

“Enhancing Access to Master’s-Thesis Research with Google Fusion and Google Maps” in Complete Guide to Using Google in Libraries: Research User Applications and Networking

Yacob, Tesfayohanes 2014

"Can We Treat Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback with a Conventional Biological Process? The Case of Guar Gum" in Environmental Science & Technology Letters

Yacob, Tesfayohanes 2014

"Evaluation of Solid Fuel Char Briquettes from Human Waste" in Environmental Science & Technology

Yingling, Julie M. 2014

"Marriage Migration, Patriarchal Bargains, and Wife Abuse: A Study of South Asian Women" in Violence Against Women

Yingling, Julie M. 2014

"Outcomes Associated With Common and Immigrant-Group-Specific Responses to Intimate Terrorism" in Violence Against Women

Yingling, Julie M. 2014

"Focus on the Family: Juvenile Court Responses to Girls and Their Caretakers" in Feminist Criminology

You, Hyun-Kyung 2014

"One family in two countries: Mothers in Korean transnational families" in Ethnic and Racial Studies

Yu, Choi Kwun 2014

"Locomotion patterns and heart rates of amateur ultimate frisbee players during match-play" in Theses and Projects

Zald, Harold S.J. 2014

"Comparing statistical techniques to classify the structure of mountain forest stands using CHM-derived metrics in Trento province (Italy)" in European Journal of Remote Sensing

Zald, Harold S.J. 2014

"Influence of lidar, Landsat imagery, disturbance history, plot location accuracy, and plot size on accuracy of imputation maps of forest composition and structure" in Remote Sensing of Environment

Zald, Harold S.J. 2014

"Species distribution modelling for plant communities: stacked single species or multivariate modelling approaches?" in Applied Vegetation Science

Zelezny, Lynnette 2014

"Leveraging Technology to Alleviate Student Bottlenecks: The Self-Paced Online Tutorial—Writing (SPOT)" in The Journal of Continuing Higher Education

Zerbe, Noah 2014

Chapter 3 "Exploring the limits of fair trade: The local food movement in the context of late capitalism" in Globalization and Food Sovereignty: Global and Local Change in the New Politics of Food

Zerbe, Noah 2014

"Jennifer Clapp: Food" in Agriculture and Human Values