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Displaying 176 - 200 of 17905
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Zammit, Ronald E. 1974

"Laser Doppler velocimeter measurements in high speed flows" in Final Report

Samuelson, Lalramchuani Sena 1974

"The Mizo independence movement" in Theses and Projects

Hanson, Mervin P. 1974

"'Quantization'' in macroscopic chemical systems" in Journal of Chemical Physics

Devall, Bill 1974

"Redwood National Park: the clearcutting of a dream" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Bowker, Lee H. 1974

"Student Drug Use and the Perceived Peer Drug Environment" in International Journal of the Addictions

Carroll, Joseph E. 1974

"On the 2-primary part of K(,2)0 and on Z9,2)-extensions for imaginary quadratic fields" in Theses and Projects

Allen, William V. 1974

"Interorgan transport of lipids in the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus" in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Comparative Physiology

Tropp, Henry 1974

"Computer report VII: The effervescent years: A retrospective: Behind the computer revolution lay the vision and perseverance of a handful of pioneers committed to open information exchange" in IEEE Spectrum

Ashley, P. 1974

"The summer feeding ecology of the Humboldt Sucker, Catostomus Humboldtianus and juvenile steelhead Salmo gairdneri in the upper Eel river system" in Theses and Projects

Carroll, Joseph E. 1974

Prototype Development and Testing Automated Astronomic Positioning System

Johnson, Ronald W. 1974

"The Relationship Between Conformity and Male and Female Attitudes toward Women" in The Journal of Social Psychology

Shaffer, Jack 1974

"Reinforcement in lifelong socialization and learning" in International Review of Education

Mossman, Archie S. 1974

"Elk Drowning" in The Murrelet

Mossman, Archie S. 1974


Corbett, Kathryn L. 1974

"Reply to Dr. James Carroll's article 'Inevitability of the nuclear family'" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Kitchen, David W. 1974

"Courtship in the pronghorn (Antilocapra americana)" in The Behavior of Ungulates and its relation to management

Anderson, Palmer 1974

"Woman's Place and the Educational Labeling Process" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Barratt, Raymond W. 1974

"Neurospora crassa" in Bacteria, Bacteriophages, and Fungi

Gearheart, Robert A. 1974

"Techniques for algae removal from wastewater stabilization ponds" in Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation

Kitchen, David W. 1974

"Agnostic behavior of territorial pronghorn bucks" in The Behavior of Ungulates and its relation to management

Leeper, Joseph 1974

"Attitudes toward community need in an unincorporated area" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Kitchen, David W. 1974

"Social Behavior and Ecology of the Pronghorn" in Wildlife Monographs

Boyd, Milton J. 1975

Identification and Distribution of Benthic Communities in the Central Portion of Humboldt Bay, California

Gearheart, Robert A. 1975

"Technique for Algae Removal from Oxidation Ponds" in Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation

Coyne, Peter 1975

"Women, when you kill a man" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations