Year | Publication |
1964 | "An Etymological Study of Hupa Noun Stems" in International Journal of American Linguistics |
1970 | "Hupa Grammar" in Dissertations |
1976 | "Tututni (Oregon Athapaskan)" in International Journal of American Linguistics |
1977 | "Reviewed Work: Ahtna Noun Dictionary by James Kari, Mildred Buck" in International Journal of American Linguistics |
1977 | "A Note on Hupa Verb Stems" in International Journal of American Linguistics |
1977 | Northern California Texts |
1979 | "Reviewed Works: Dena'ina Noun Dictionary by James Kari; Gwich'in (Loucheux) Athapaskan Noun Dictionary, Fort McPherson Dialect by John Ritter; Mayo Indian Language Noun Dictionary by John Ritter; The Selkirk Indian Language Noun Dictionary (Northern Tutchone Athapaskan) by John Ritter, Tommy McGinty, Johnson Edwards" in International Journal of American Linguistics |
1979 | "Reviewed Work: The Mobilian Trade Language by James M. Crawford" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
1980 | "Some Yokuts-Maidun comparisons" in American Indian and Indoeuropean Studies: Papers in Honor of Madison S. Beeler |
1984 | "Reviewed Work: Native American Renaissance by Kenneth Lincoln" in American Anthropologist |
1984 | Resources for the study of the Hupa language : an annotated bibliography of published and unpublished work |
1984 | "The Sapir-Kroeber Correspondence" in UC Berkeley Department of Linguistics |
1985 | A Short Practical Grammar of Hupa |
1986 | "Reviewed Work: A Sarcee Grammar by Eung-Do Cook" in Language |
1986 | "Reviewed Work: Edward Sapir's Correspondence: An Alphabetical and Chronological Inventory, 1910-1925 by Louise Dallaire, Edward Sapir" in International Journal of American Linguistics |
1986 | "Proto-Yokuts Reconsidered" in International Journal of American Linguistics |
1987 | "Reviewed Works: Wintu Grammar by Harvey Pitkin; Wintu Dictionary by Harvey Pitkin" in American Anthropologist |
1988 | "Reviewed Work: Language in the Americas by Joseph H. Greenberg" in American Anthropologist |
1989 | "Reviewed Work: Athapaskan Linguistics: Current Perspectives on a Language Family by Eung-Do Cook, Keren D. Rice" in Anthropological Linguistics |
1990 | |
1990 | American Indian languages |
1990 | Takelma Texts and Grammar |
1991 | "Introduction: John P. Harrington and His Legacy" in Anthropological Linguistics |
1994 | |
1994 | Now You're Speaking - Hupa! (audio version) |
1994 | "Appreciation" in LSA Bulletin |
1995 | "Report on a colloquium on the history and historiography of missionary grammars" in Historiographia Linguistica |
1996 | |
1997 | "The penutian hypothesis: Retrospect and prospect" in International Journal of American Linguistics |
1997 | "The Formative Influences on Mary R. Haas's Career" in Anthropological Linguistics |
1997 | "The Alsea-Wintuan connection" in International Journal of American Linguistics
1997 | "Interplay of Language History and Typology in the Americas" in Anthropology News |
1998 | |
1999 | "Reconstruction" in Linguistic Anthropology |
2000 | |
2000 | "Reviewed Work: An Introduction to the Languages of the World by Anatole V. Lyovin" in International Journal of American Linguistics |
2000 | "The History of the Term 'Penutian'" in UC Berkeley Department of Linguistics |
2001 | "Sapir, Edward (1884–1939)" in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences |
2001 | "Reviewed Work: And Along Came Boas: Continuity and Revolution in Americanist Anthropology by Regna Darnell" in Anthropological Linguistics |
2001 | Northwest California Linguistics |
2002 | "Reviewed Work: Native American Oral Traditions: Collaboration and Interpretation by Larry Evers, Barre Toelken" in American Anthropologist |
2003 | "2003 Atabascan Languages Conference" in Course Material |
2007 | "Review of Rolling in Ditches with Shamans: Jaime de Angulo and the Professionalization of American Anthropology" in Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology |
2008 | "The Sapirian approach to language" in History of the Language Sciences |
2009 | "J. P. Harrington Project: Academic and Community Participation" in UC Berkeley Department of Linguistics |
2010 | American Indian Languages 2 |
2011 |