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Displaying 23726 - 23750 of 25322
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Stock, Gregory M. 2023

"Late Cenozoic deepening of Yosemite Valley, USA" in Bulletin of the Geological Society of America

Biggins, Dean E. 2023

"Alternative lifestyles: A plague persistence hypothesis" in Ecosphere

Zuber, David P. 2023

Biographical and historical entries in

Cox, Gregory A. 2023

"Clinically relevant mouse models of Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 2S" in Human Molecular Genetics

Deuink, Amy 2023

"Charged up: What I learned on a day without power" in College & Research Libraries News

Kucera, Dion C. 2023

"Urban Climate and the Biophysical Environment" in Routledge Handbook of Urban Biodiversity

Kucera, Dion C. 2023

"Urban greenness and its cooling effects are influenced by changes in drought, physiography, and socio-demographics in Los Angeles, CA" in Urban Climate

Kizha, Anil Raj 2023

"Tree-level responses to commercial thinning in spruce-fir forests across northern Maine, USA" in Forest Ecology and Management

Sauer, Michael J. 2023

"Testing the Waters! Continuing Saga of Algal Community Variability in SW Florida" in Florida SouthWestern State College Academic Research Council Conference

Grochau-Wright, Zachariah 2023

"The Genetics of Fitness Reorganization during the Transition to Multicellularity: The Volvocine regA-like Family as a Model" in Genes

Fregoso, Theresa A. 2023

"Bathymetric change analysis in San Francisco Bay, California, from 1971 to 2020" in U.S. Geological Survey Data Set

Farabaugh, Naomi F. 2023

"Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays" in Science

Price, Hank 2023

"OPTOM: Optimization of Parabolic Trough Operations & Maintenance" in OSTI.GOV Technical Report

Wijesundara, Jessica G. 2023

"Adolescents Who Vape Nicotine and Their Experiences Vaping: A Qualitative Study" in Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Forum: doing historical international relations" in Cambridge Review of International Affairs

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Transversal Politics of Big Tech" in International Political Sociology

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Response to Joel Ng’s Review of Hybrid Sovereignty in World Politics" in Perspectives on Politics

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Review of Contesting Sovereignty: Power and Practice in Africa and Southeast Asia" in Perspectives on Politics

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Algorithmic Governance and the International Politics of Big Tech" in Perspectives on Politics

Berry, Margaret E. 2023

"Surficial geologic map database of the Durango 1-degree by 2-degree quadrangle, southern Colorado: Contributions to the National Geologic Map" in Data Sets

Berry, Margaret E. 2023

"Surficial geologic map database of the Aztec 1-degree by 2-degree quadrangle, northern New Mexico and southern Colorado: Contributions to the National Geologic Map" in Data Sets

Berry, Margaret E. 2023

"Geologic map and hydrogeologic investigations of the upper Santa Cruz River basin, southern Arizona" in USGS Reports

Moore, Michal C. 2023

"A North American Carbon Exchange" in The School of Public Policy Publications

Wagner, Robert L. 2023

"Coccidioides undetected in soils from agricultural land and uncorrelated with time or the greater soil fungal community on undeveloped land" in PLOS Pathogens

Firth, Alexandra G. 2023

"Soil bacterial community dynamics in plots managed with cover crops and no-till farming in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA" in Journal of Applied Microbiology