Stock, Gregory M. |
2023 |
"Late Cenozoic deepening of Yosemite Valley, USA" in Bulletin of the Geological Society of America |
Biggins, Dean E. |
2023 |
"Alternative lifestyles: A plague persistence hypothesis" in Ecosphere |
Zuber, David P. |
2023 |
Biographical and historical entries in |
Cox, Gregory A. |
2023 |
"Clinically relevant mouse models of Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 2S" in Human Molecular Genetics |
Deuink, Amy |
2023 |
"Charged up: What I learned on a day without power" in College & Research Libraries News |
Kucera, Dion C. |
2023 |
"Urban Climate and the Biophysical Environment" in Routledge Handbook of Urban Biodiversity |
Kucera, Dion C. |
2023 |
"Urban greenness and its cooling effects are influenced by changes in drought, physiography, and socio-demographics in Los Angeles, CA" in Urban Climate |
Kizha, Anil Raj |
2023 |
"Tree-level responses to commercial thinning in spruce-fir forests across northern Maine, USA" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Sauer, Michael J. |
2023 |
"Testing the Waters! Continuing Saga of Algal Community Variability in SW Florida" in Florida SouthWestern State College Academic Research Council Conference |
Grochau-Wright, Zachariah |
2023 |
"The Genetics of Fitness Reorganization during the Transition to Multicellularity: The Volvocine regA-like Family as a Model" in Genes |
Fregoso, Theresa A. |
2023 |
"Bathymetric change analysis in San Francisco Bay, California, from 1971 to 2020" in U.S. Geological Survey Data Set |
Farabaugh, Naomi F. |
2023 |
"Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays" in Science |
Price, Hank |
2023 |
"OPTOM: Optimization of Parabolic Trough Operations & Maintenance" in OSTI.GOV Technical Report |
Wijesundara, Jessica G. |
2023 |
"Adolescents Who Vape Nicotine and Their Experiences Vaping: A Qualitative Study" in Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment |
Srivastava, Swati |
2023 |
"Forum: doing historical international relations" in Cambridge Review of International Affairs |
Srivastava, Swati |
2023 |
"Transversal Politics of Big Tech" in International Political Sociology |
Srivastava, Swati |
2023 |
"Response to Joel Ng’s Review of Hybrid Sovereignty in World Politics" in Perspectives on Politics |
Srivastava, Swati |
2023 |
"Review of Contesting Sovereignty: Power and Practice in Africa and Southeast Asia" in Perspectives on Politics |
Srivastava, Swati |
2023 |
"Algorithmic Governance and the International Politics of Big Tech" in Perspectives on Politics |
Berry, Margaret E. |
2023 |
"Surficial geologic map database of the Durango 1-degree by 2-degree quadrangle, southern Colorado: Contributions to the National Geologic Map" in Data Sets |
Berry, Margaret E. |
2023 |
"Surficial geologic map database of the Aztec 1-degree by 2-degree quadrangle, northern New Mexico and southern Colorado: Contributions to the National Geologic Map" in Data Sets |
Berry, Margaret E. |
2023 |
"Geologic map and hydrogeologic investigations of the upper Santa Cruz River basin, southern Arizona" in USGS Reports |
Moore, Michal C. |
2023 |
"A North American Carbon Exchange" in The School of Public Policy Publications |
Wagner, Robert L. |
2023 |
"Coccidioides undetected in soils from agricultural land and uncorrelated with time or the greater soil fungal community on undeveloped land" in PLOS Pathogens |
Firth, Alexandra G. |
2023 |
"Soil bacterial community dynamics in plots managed with cover crops and no-till farming in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA" in Journal of Applied Microbiology |