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Displaying 201 - 225 of 25362
Author Year Publications
Achilli, Andrea 2018

"Coastal California Wastewater Effluent as a Resource for Seawater Desalination Brine Commingling" in Water

Achilli, Andrea 2018

"A review of polymeric membranes and processes for potable water reuse" in Progress in Polymer Science

Achilli, Andrea 2018

"Integrating an aerobic/anoxic osmotic membrane bioreactor with membrane distillation for potable reuse" in Desalination

Achilli, Andrea 2018

"Challenges and opportunities at the nexus of energy, water, and food: A perspective from the southwest United States" in MRS Energy & Sustainability

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"Emerging investigator series: membrane distillation and high salinity: analysis and implications" in Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"A modeling framework to evaluate blending of seawater and treated wastewater streams for synergistic desalination and potable reuse" in Water Research

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"Net Zero Urban Water from Concept to Applications: Integrating Natural, Built, and Social Systems for Responsive and Adaptive Solutions" in ACS ES&T Water

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"Pretreatment for water reuse using fluidized bed crystallization" in Journal of Water Process Engineering

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"Increasing water recovery during reclamation of treated municipal wastewater using bipolar membrane electrodialysis and fluidized bed crystallization" in Journal of Water Process Engineering

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"Forward osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis process modeling for integration with seawater reverse osmosis desalination" in Desalination

Achilli, Andrea 2021

"Membrane Distillation Provides a Dual Barrier for Coronavirus and Bacteriophage Removal" in Environmental Science & Technology Letters

Achilli, Andrea 2021

"Modeling the energy consumption of potable water reuse schemes" in Water Research X

Achilli, Andrea 2021

"Evidence of solution-diffusion-with-defects in an engineering-scale pressure retarded osmosis system" in Journal of Membrane Science

Achilli, Andrea 2022

"Pretreatment of Reverse Osmosis Concentrate from Reclaimed Water for Conventional and High-Efficiency Reverse Osmosis and Evaluation of Electrochemical Production of Reagents" in ACS ES&T Water

Achilli, Andrea 2022

"Biological Removal, Membrane Separation, and Thermal Destruction: A Multi-barrier Approach to Potable Water Reuse and Waste Heat Recovery" in 95th Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference

Achilli, Andrea 2022

"Extending the life of water reuse reverse osmosis membranes using chlorination" in Journal of Membrane Science

Achilli, Andrea 2022

"Scale-up of membrane distillation systems using bench-scale data" in Desalination

Achilli, Andrea 2022

"A Hands-On Course on Intensified Membrane Processes for Sustainable Water Purification" in Chemical Engineering Education

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Surrogate modeling of pressure loss & mass transfer in membrane channels via coupling of computational fluid dynamics and machine learning" in Desalination

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Fouling characterization and treatment of water reuse concentrate with membrane distillation: Do organics really matter" in Desalination

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Pore flow and solute rejection in pilot-scale air-gap membrane distillation" in Journal of Membrane Science

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Analysis of backwash settings to maximize net water production in an engineering-scale ultrafiltration system for water reuse" in Journal of Water Process Engineering

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Virus rejection and removal in pilot-scale air-gap membrane distillation" in Water Research

Ackerman, James D. 1975

"Reproductive Biology of goodyera oblongifolia (orchidaceae)" in Madrono

Ackerman, James D. 1976

"Biosystematic studies in the genus Piperia (Orchidaceae)" in Theses and Projects