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Displaying 23626 - 23650 of 25403
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Levinson, Dan Zev 2023

A Splash in the Slamming Water: Poems by the 5th through 8th Grade Students of Orleans Elementary School

Crandall, Chris 2023

Graduate School Strategy: Save Time, Money & Your Sanity

Agarwal, Rohit 2023

"Relations among Bitcoin Futures, Bitcoin Spot, Investor Attention, and Sentiment" in Journal of Risk and Financial Management

Troia, Alyssa 2023

"Cobalt Distribution in the Boleo Stratiform Sediment-hosted Ore Deposit; a transtension rift basin in central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico" in Solid Earth Discussions

Martien, Jerry 2023

"Preface" in A watershed runs through you : essays, talks, and reflections on salmon, restoration, and community

Vargas, Kay 2023

"Cryptanalysis of the Hardware Implementation of GIFT-COFB Cryptographic System" in Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research

Paz, Fernando 2023

"Cal Poly Humboldt: Championing Diversity and Excellence in Hispanic Serving Institutions" in Hispanic Outlook on Education Magazine

Krolokke, Charlotte 2023

"For sled dogs and women: Hormonal contraception and animacy hierarchies in Danish/Greenlandic Depo-Provera debates" in The European Journal of Women's Studies

Burkart, Patrick 2023

"Getting to yes: An interview with Igor Vamos" in International Journal of Cultural Studies

Kinser, Dylan W. 2023

"Digital database for the geologic map of the Parker NW, Parker, and parts of the Whipple Mountains SW and Whipple Wash quadrangles, California and Arizona" in USGS Reports

Smith, Brian D. 2023

"Is the demand for fish swim bladders driving the extinction of globally endangered marine wildlife?" in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems

Morton, Amanda 2023

"Explore COVID-19 Excess Deaths in the U.S." in Storymaps

Tomaske, Madeline 2023

"Therapeutic blood-brain barrier modulation and stroke treatment by a bioengineered FZD4-selective WNT surrogate in mice" in Nature Communications

Branney, Aidan B. 2023

"Jaguars, ocelots, coatimundis…oh my: Species composition and temporal overlap of a diverse carnivore guild in the Sierra of Tamaulipas, México" in Global Ecology and Conservation

DeArmond, Daniel 2023

"A Systematic Review of Logging Impacts in the Amazon Biome" in Forests

DeArmond, Daniel 2023

"Soil compaction in skid trails still affects topsoil recovery 28 years after logging in Central Amazonia" in Geoderma

DeArmond, Daniel 2023

"The Challenges of Sustainable Forest Operations in Amazonia" in Current Forestry Reports

Weeden, Norman F. 2023

"A hypervariable intron of the STAYGREEN locus provides excellent discrimination among Pisum fulvum accessions and reveals evidence for a relatively recent hybridization event with Pisum sativum" in Frontiers in Plant Science

Hansell, Dennis A. 2023

"Ocean carbon from space: Current status and priorities for the next decade" in Earth-Science Reviews

Hansell, Dennis A. 2023

"Anomalous DOC signatures reveal iron control on export dynamics in the Pacific Southern Ocean" in Frontiers in Marine Science

Ko, Lisa A. 2023

"Glucose dissociates DDX21 dimers to regulate mRNA splicing and tissue differentiation" in Cell

Frost, Richard 2023

"Diversity of pawpaw (Asimina triloba) cultivars in USDA repositories and selected retail nurseries c. 2022" in Journal American Pomological Society

Frost, Richard 2023

"Genomics of Olea europaea cultivars" in Dataset

Kennedy, Bridget 2023

"Resilience, mindfulness, anxiety, and depression within a dual-continua model of mental health approach" in Journal of Happiness and Health

Mutch, Erin 2023

"Removing Barriers to Access GIS Technologies in Higher Education" in California GIS Conference