Mesler, Michael R. |
1976 |
"Gametophytes and Young Sporophytes of Ophioglossum Crotalophoroides Walt" in American Journal of Botany |
Largent, David L. |
1976 |
"A New Species of Claudopus from Northern California" in Madroño |
Campbell, Toni A. |
1976 |
"Effects of live and recorded story telling on retelling performance of preschool children from low socioeconomic backgrounds" in Psychology in the Schools |
Collins, Gary |
1976 |
"Grades: Just a Measure of Conformity" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Hunt, Robert W. |
1976 |
"College Credit for Algebra and Geometry: A Viewpoint" in The American Mathematical Monthly |
Carroll, Joseph E. |
1976 |
"Initial layers of Z1-extensions of complex quadratic fields" in Compositio Mathematica |
Holcomb, Larry |
1976 |
"Brother Jonathan Search Continues" in Humboldt Historian |
Brown, Marilyn A. |
1976 |
"The motive to avoid success: a further examination" in Theses and Dissertations |
Haston, Bruce |
1976 |
"Republican Electoral Prospects in 1976: The Case of California" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Krause, Jerrald D. |
1976 |
"Review of The Community: Approaches and Applications" in Contemporary Sociology |
Devall, Bill |
1976 |
"Review of Managing the Environment" in Contemporary Sociology |
Hallum, Kenneth C. |
1976 |
"Review of Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy" in Contemporary Sociology |
Weigel, Lawrence E. |
1976 |
"Pre-Contact Cultural Ecology of the Nongatl Indians of Northwestern California" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Allen, William V. |
1976 |
"The essential amino acid requirements of the Dungeness crab, Cancer magister" in Aquaculture |
Dengler, Lori A. |
1976 |
"Scanning electron microscope studies of an experimentally deformed graywacke sandstone" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Martyny, J. W. |
1976 |
"Yersinae isolated from wapiti (Cervus canadensis roosevelti)" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Pretzinger, Katie |
1976 |
"The American Hero: Yesterday and Today" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Allen, William V. |
1976 |
"Biochemical aspects of lipid storage and utilization in animals" in American Zoologist
Erwin, Joseph M. |
1976 |
"Social density and aggression in captive groups of pigtail monkeys (Macaca nemestrina)" in Applied Animal Ethology |
Bowyer, R. Terry |
1976 |
"Social behavior of Roosevelt elk during rut" in Theses and Projects |
Hamby, James |
1976 |
"City Beside the Bay" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Erwin, Joseph M. |
1976 |
"Infant mortality in Macaca nemestrina: Neonatal and post-neonatal mortality at the Regional Primate Research Center Field Station, University of Washington, 1967–1974" in Theriogenology |
Coyne, Peter |
1976 |
"American Saturday Matinee" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Haston, Annie Laurie |
1976 |
"Republican Electoral Prospects in 1976: The Case of California" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Phillips, Jayne Anne |
1976 |
Sweethearts |